Calcule fórmulas complexas com maior precisão

Outubro 28, 2024
O ONLYOFFICE Docs v8.2 adiciona cálculos repetitivos para referências circulares e outras fórmulas sofisticadas que, de outra forma, produziriam erros.

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ONLYOFFICE Docs is a comprehensive online editor, allowing users to create text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and forms. It enables your users to edit, share, and collaborate on documents online in their preferred browser, within your own application. It is fully compatible with OOXML (Office Open XML) formats and supports popular Microsoft Office and other document formats such as CSV, DOC, DOCX, EPUB, HTML, ODP, ODS, ODT, PDF, PPT, PPTX, RTF, TXT, XLS, and XLSX.

The ONLYOFFICE Docs v8.2 update adds support for performing iterative calculations. This enables formulas to be repeatedly recalculated until a specific, stable result is reached or a set number of attempts is made. By setting iteration limits and defining acceptable precision levels, iterative calculations enable users to control the number of recalculations, allowing the formula to reach an approximation or convergence point that serves as the final value. This process is particularly useful when dealing with circular references, where a formula refers to its own cell either directly or through a sequence of references involving other cells. Without iterative calculations, such formulas would produce errors, as they would require an infinite loop of recalculations. This is widely used in scenarios requiring complex dependencies, such as financial projections, engineering simulations, and scientific modeling.

To see a full list of what's new in v8.2.0, see our release notes.

ONLYOFFICE Docs is licensed by the number of simultaneous document connections and is available as an annual license with 1 year support and upgrades. See our ONLYOFFICE Docs licensing page for full details.

For more information, see our ONLYOFFICE Docs product page.