Notícias sobre Reporting

Crie e exiba relatórios usando a estrutura Avalonia UI

Outubro 13, 2023
O Stimulsoft Ultimate 2023.4.1 adiciona ferramentas de relatório para Avalonia UI, uma estrutura de código aberto para a criação de aplicativos multiplataforma a partir de uma única base de código .NET.

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Stimulsoft Ultimate offers a comprehensive set of tools and products designed for visualization, analysis, data collection, and presentation. It includes a report designer, dashboard designer, form designer, and viewer for various popular frameworks.

Stimulsoft Ultimate 2023.4.1 introduces reporting tools for Avalonia UI, an open source framework for building cross-platform desktop, mobile, Web, and embedded applications. These tools feature a robust data processing engine and an interactive viewer that supports a wide range of features, including multi-level drill-down, sorting, and grouping data. They also support a wide range of export formats, including PDF, Microsoft Excel, and Word.

The addition of Avalonia UI support makes it easy to build powerful, visually appealing reports for Windows, macOS, iOS, Linux, Android, and WebAssembly, using a single .NET codebase.

To see a full list of what's new in version 2023.4.1, see our release notes.

For more information, visit our Stimulsoft Ultimate product page.

Ajude os usuários a criar relatórios de forma mais rápida e eficiente

Outubro 9, 2023
O ActiveReports.NET 17.2 adiciona o Report Parts pré-configurado, que permite que os usuários finais gerem facilmente relatórios complexos sem precisar dominar os aspectos técnicos do design de relatórios.

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ActiveReports.NET is a reporting tool that allows developers to design and deliver reports with intuitive, reliable, and user-friendly report designers and controls. Features include the ability to create reports in a variety of formats, such as PDF, Excel, and HTML. ActiveReports.NET is also highly customizable, with an extensive API and advanced feature library.

ActiveReports.NET v17.2 introduces Report Parts, which can be created from any report item, including tables, charts, text boxes, and images. These Report Parts are created by developers and added to the ActiveReports toolbox for end-users to drag and drop onto the design surface. This makes it easy for end-users to create complex reports without having to learn the intricacies of report design. Developers can specify the properties of the Report Part, such as its data binding, formatting, and visibility so that they that are tailored to the specific needs of their users.

To see a full list of what's new in version 17.2, see our release notes.

For more information, visit our ActiveReports.NET product page.

Produza relatórios perfeitamente dimensionados para qualquer dispositivo

Outubro 6, 2023
O FastReport VCL 2023.3 adiciona suporte para dimensionamento dinâmico de fontes, garantindo que os relatórios sejam renderizados corretamente em qualquer tamanho de tela ou impressora.

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FastReport VCL is a reporting and document creation library for Delphi and Lazarus which can be used to create a variety of reports such as invoices, purchase orders, shipping labels, sales reports, and more. It is easy to use, yet flexible enough to meet the needs of even the most demanding users.

FastReport VCL 2023.3 adds a dynamic font sizing feature which allows you to shrink text automatically for reports with limited sizes. This allows users to fit all of the necessary information on a single page, even if the data is too long to fit in the original font size. This can save time and money, as it eliminates the need to print multiple pages or to reduce the size of the font to the point where it is difficult to read. By scaling the font size to fit the available space, users can create reports that are both informative and easy to read. This can be especially important for reports that are intended to be shared with customers or other stakeholders.

The AutoScale property can automatically shrink the text in multiple objects until the band fits on the page or specified constraints are reached. Object compression can be controlled with a property to specify the amount by which the font is reduced in each cycle. This iterative approach to scaling content allows the reporting engine to prioritize which objects to compress to achieve optimal results.

To see a full list of what’s new in version 2023.3, see our release notes.

For more information, visit our FastReport VCL product page.

Usando parâmetros de relatório no Blazor

Agosto 9, 2023
Melhore seus relatórios Blazor adicionando parâmetros dinâmicos para a personalização e interação do usuário.

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Report parameters are dynamic values that users can input or select when requesting a report. These parameters allow users to customize the report's content, appearance, and data filtering according to their specific needs. This helps to make reports more versatile, catering to various scenarios without requiring developers to create separate report templates.

Here is a selection of Blazor reporting controls that include support for parameters:

  • DevExpress Reports (Multi-Platform) (part of DevExpress Reporting) provides seamless integration with Blazor applications, allowing developers to create reports with customizable parameters. Users can interactively input or select values like date ranges or product categories, enabling reports to display data specific to their needs.
  • Stimulsoft Reports.Web offers a set of powerful tools for building reports in Blazor applications. The platform enables developers to incorporate parameterized reports, letting users set parameters like regions, time periods, or product types.
  • FastReport .NET makes it easy to integrate interactive reports into Blazor projects. With parameter support, users can manipulate report outcomes by inputting parameters like start and end dates, filtering data to obtain relevant results.

For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our comparison of Blazor reporting controls.

Compare Blazor Report Controls

Exibir relatórios no React

Julho 25, 2023
Exiba, analise e interaja com relatórios na Web usando um visualizador para React.

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Report viewers for React let users view and interact with various types of reports on the Web. They make it easy to embed reports, display a variety of report types, and customize the look and feel of reports, as well as enabling interactions such as zooming, panning, and filtering. Report viewers let users explore and gain valuable insights from their data directly within the React environment.

Here is a selection of React reporting controls include report viewers:

  • Stimulsoft Reports.JS gives users dynamic report viewing capabilities. Its robust set of features includes charts, pivot tables, and customizable templates, ensuring a seamless user experience for analyzing data within the React environment.
  • ActiveReports.JS by GrapeCity allows you to easily incorporate React report viewers to visualize data in various formats. It offers interactive data visualization tools and export options, enabling users to comprehend complex information more easily.
  • DevExpress Reporting can be used to create interactive and data-rich reports integrated with your React Web applications. The report viewer lets users interact with data through filtering, sorting, and drilling down, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of critical insights.

For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our comparison of React reporting controls.

Compare React Reporting Controls