DevExpress DXperience 16.1.6

Adiciona muitas melhorias aos controles ASP.NET, Windows Forms e WPF.
Setembro 9, 2016
Nova versão


ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • ASPxGridView - Scroll the grid automatically when a column is being dragged.

Coded UI

  • CodeUI - Increase a remote object's lifetime.

DXSpreadsheet for WPF

  • Provide the capability to calculate a custom function once for the whole array formula range in the ChainBased mode.

Grid for Windows 10 Apps

  • Pass proper DataContext to GridColumns, so that it will be possible to bind their properties.

Installation (.NET)

  • Documentation - Silent Install Mode - Update the list of exist codes.

MVVM Framework

  • MVVMContext - Improve design-time binding capabilities for ViewModel properties whose types don't match the type of BindingMember.

Project Templates

  • When creating a WebSite, analyze the given default site name for existence of a site with the same name.

XtraEditors Library

  • LookUpEdit - Support Data Annotations attributes.
  • TokenEdit - Add the capability to initialize the DropDownControl manually.

XtraPrinting Library

  • Export to XLS, XLSX - Provide the capability to specify the "Fit All Rows on One Page" option in the resulting file.

XtraReports Suite

  • XtraReports - Provide support for exporting vector graphics to XLS\XLSX.
  • XtraReports - Provide the capability to define the rasterization resolution on export to XLS/XLSX format.


  • Provide the capability to recalculate an array formula range and reset the formula using SpreadsheetControl UI facilities without selecting the whole array formula range.
  • Provide the capability to skip hidden rows while exporting a document to the CSV format.
  • Spreadsheet API: Provide the capability to remove data validation from the specified range.
DevExpress DXperience

DevExpress DXperience

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