Actipro SyntaxEditor para Silverlight 2017.1 build 0210

Melhorou a lógica para determinar quando os indicadores de marcação devem ser coultados devido a regiões recolhidas.
Março 23, 2017
Nova versão


  • Improved the logic for determining when to scroll the completion list selection to the middle.
  • Improved the logic for determining when bookmark indicators should be hidden due to collapsed regions.
  • Updated IntelliPrompt code snippet template sessions to close if text is changed outside of the session, only in the focused view.
  • Updated code snippet field tooltips to support line feeds and word wrap when needed.
  • Updated the XmlReader used within HtmlContentProvider to not perform character checking.


  • Fixed a bug where horizontal scrolling to found text might work incorrectly.
Actipro SyntaxEditor for Silverlight

Actipro SyntaxEditor for Silverlight

Uma controle de edição de código com destaque de sintaxe e suíte de análise para Silverlight.

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