Rappid v2.1

Adiciona apresentações animadas e opções de imagem de plano de fundo personalizado.
Abril 4, 2017
Nova versão


  • Animations and presentation mode - The Paper object now exposes new methods for focusing on elements, or any areas of your diagrams, in an animated way (zoom and translation). This is great for implementing a presentation mode in your applications.
  • ‍Customizable shape attributes - Shape definition has been simplified, and support for custom attributes has been added. This allows you to extend SVG by your own rendering logic. For example, you can set a "textWrap" attribute (that does not exist in SVG) for your SVG text, and the text will automatically wrap if it’s width overflows a specified value. The "textWrap" attribute is built-in and ready-to-use, and you can also define your own custom ones.
  • ‍Custom background on each paper - It’s now possible to set a background image on your diagram paper object, define whether it should repeat or flip, or even use your own custom logic to describe how it should be displayed.
  • ‍Performance - As always when releasing a new version, in addition to adding new features and functionality the team also focused on optimizing and going deeper into performance tuning. As a result you should see significant rendering improvements with Rappid 2.1.


A biblioteca de diagramação JavaScript proporciona UIs excepcionais.

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