MindFusion.Diagramming for Java V4.3.1

Os nós de forma agora podem ser invertidos horizontalmente ou verticalmente.
Junho 14, 2017
Nova versão


  • Flip shapes - Shape Nodes can now be flipped horizontally or vertically.
  • DiagramLink improvements
    • AllowSplitLinks now works for Bezier links too. Users can insert a new Bezier segment by dragging any point (other than a control point) of a selected link. Adjacent segments can be merged back into a single one by dragging a tangent control point (square adjustment handle) onto a pass-through control point (round adjustment handle).
    • IntermediateShape shapes are now rendered at correct position for Spline links.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Behavior.PanAndModify lets you select and modify when the mouse pointer is over an item, or pan the view otherwise.
    • Diagram.updateRuntimeIndices method assigns unique integer identifiers to items, accessible via DiagramItem.getRuntimeIndex. Identifiers are transient and valid only for the current state of diagram immediately after the updateRuntimeIndices() call.
  • API changes
    • Brush, Pen and DashStyle classes have been moved to com.mindfusion.drawing package.
    • Support for Java 7 dropped, JDiagram.jar is now compiled using Java 8 compiler.
MindFusion.Diagramming for Java

MindFusion.Diagramming for Java Swing

Aprimore seus aplicativos Java com recursos de diagramação e gráficos.

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