Aspose.Cells for .NET 17.6.0

Adiciona suporte para novas funções do Microsoft Office 365.
Junho 16, 2017
Nova versão


  • Enquote all attribute values in HTML.
  • Support for new Microsoft Office 365 functions.
  • Support a table as the data source of a chart.
  • Copy PageSetup settings from an existing worksheet.


  • Removed older Web.config settings of Aspose.Cells.GridWeb like force script_path and forcepath.
  • Exception message is wrong - The count of Hyperlinks cannot be larger than 66530.
  • Excel footer in the output PDF is not italic - it should be Arial 9 and italic.
  • Some part of subscript labels are cut and shifted to a lower line.
  • Subscript text is displaced to the right a bit - Excel to PDF Rendering.
  • Output Excel file is not good when converting an HTML file to Excel file format.
  • Exception thrown after multiple loading and saving an XLS file.
  • Load Filter causes crash while loading an Excel file.
  • Using IFERROR with NPER is unable to be processed correctly.
  • Output PDF should have one page instead of two pages.
  • Image rendered incorrectly when a cell has Arabic currency name.
  • Shape of parentheses is rendered wrong in output PDF/image.
  • Aspose.Cells saved PDF is not like MS Excel saved PDF.
  • Sparklines not displayed properly when rendered as image.
  • Incorrect legend item colors when BankActionRatPie chart is converted to image.
  • Incorrect legend item colors when TotalActionRatPie chart is converted to image.
  • Aspose.Cells values start from 10.0% to 14.0%.
  • Aspose.Cells shows values 0.
  • DataLabels in the chart are not shown or removed in the output file.
  • Generated chart's image is incorrect.
  • Custom sorting is lost when saved to XLS by Aspose.Cells APIs.
  • Data sorting is not working on DataSet (having formulas) in the worksheet.
  • Cell border issue in Range.ApplyStyle() method.
  • An embedded object in Sheet2 missing and scaling is wrong.
  • Data validations end up strange after inserting new columns.
  • Data validation issue - Value1 contains a "?".
  • Cells.DeleteBlankColumns() removes embedded objects in the worksheet.
  • Referencing a column with a header starting with hash sign ('#') but without "@" sign.
  • Opening and saving the XLSB file corrupts it.
  • Unexpected row inserted after Smart Makers in nested list.
  • Hash char ("#") in the table headers and referencing it in other cell.
  • Space in the end of table headers and referencing it in other cell.
  • Cell.GetValidationValue returns incorrect value when using custom data validation formula.
  • Hyperlink in 3rd worksheet is not identified.
  • Exception on opening the template XLS file via Aspose.Cells APIs.
  • When adding rows near a ListObject containing formulas, those formulae are wrongly duplicated upward.
  • The text format changed (spacing increased) after loading and saving the XLS.
  • PrintObject property of command buttons is set to true after loading and saving an XLSM file.
  • The cell formatting lost after rendering to PDF format.
  • XLSX file is corrupted after changing background image of a chart.
  • Inserting ranges also extend the size of the chart above.
  • ListObject.ConvertToRange breaks formulas in the totals row.
  • Some features are not working.
  • C1 worksheet is not fully loaded and GridWeb shows only 64 rows instead of 75.
  • Collapse all the groups of I. 100 worksheet will create an empty space under the 64th row.
  • Scrolling down control worksheet makes GridWeb to becomes empty.
  • Vertical scroll bar is lost after expanding the rows.
  • Exception: "Input string was not in a correct format" when loading an XLSX file format.
  • Exception when copying a sheet with a text box.
  • Exception occured on opening Excel file.
Aspose.Cells for .NET

Aspose.Cells for .NET

Crie e gerencie planilhas Excel sem a necessidade do Microsoft Excel.

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