Infragistics Ultimate UI for Window Forms 17.1

Adiciona novos componentes de botão de rádio Ultra, Mapa geográfico e pop-up de Inspeção.
Junho 26, 2017
Nova versão


  • New Ultra Radio Button - A selectable button linked to other radio buttons in a group. Its defining characteristic is that only one radio button in a group can be selected at one time. When a radio button is selected, all others within the group are automatically deselected. This is useful in scenarios where a choice must be made among mutually exclusive options.
  • Geographic Map - Allows you to display geographic locations or geospatial data loaded from shape files on geographic imagery maps.
  • Peek Pop-Up - Originally only available as an extension of the Outlook Navigation Bar, the Peep Pop-up control is now available as a standalone drop-down control to offer a more modern user experience.
Peek Pop-Up component.

Infragistics Ultimate UI for Windows Forms

Um conjunto de mais de 100 controles de interface do usuário do Windows Forms permite que você crie rapidamente interfaces de usuário estilizadas que proporcionam experiências superiores.

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