PyCharm 2017.3

O novo modo Data Science inclui as ferramentas das quais você precisa para analisar dados.
Dezembro 1, 2017
Nova versão


  • Performance
    • Indexing Improvements - For PyCharm’s code intelligence to work effectively, you need to maintain an index of your code. And although this has always meant great performance for lookups, unfortunately the generation of this index sometimes kept users waiting. In this release PyCharm includes improvements to reduce the time you have to wait for the indexing process to complete. In addition to these improvements for Python, indexing JavaScript code is also quicker.
    • Remote Interpreter Setup Speed - When setting up an SSH interpreter, there are a couple of things PyCharm needs to transfer: first are some tools to run and debug the code remotely. These tools then generate skeletons which, with the remote standard library, need to be transferred back to the local machine. PyCharm includes several improvements to the way this is done, and it is significantly faster now.
    • Precompiled Debugger Speedups on macOS - PyCharm’s debugger is written mostly in Python and has improved some of the performance bottlenecks by using Cython to compile the code.
    • See Your Variables Faster While Debugging - If you store large amounts of data in your variables, e.g. large DataFrames, you might have had to wait a while during debugging as the values were loaded by PyCharm. In 2017.3 these values are loaded asynchronously, and you won’t have to wait for the huge DataFrame to load before you see your other variables.
  • Data Science
    • Data Science Mode - Unless you’re doing a replication study, data analysis is an exploratory and interactive process. To make this easier, PyCharm includes a data science mode which shows you your data while you are working on it. As visualizing your data is a key step in finding new links, it also includes a matplotlib viewer as well.
  • Web Development
    • REST Client - When developing an API you often have to send it a complex request to test your functionality. That’s why PyCharm now includes a built an REST client for PyCharm 2017.3.
    • Django 2.0 - PyCharm 2017.3 is ready for the newest version of Python’s most popular web framework.
    • Better JavaScript Code Completion - PyCharm Professional Edition now uses the TypeScript definition files for code completion of standard JavaScript objects and methods. This means that you’ll have more accurate code completion, and you’ll be able to see more of the standard web APIs.
  • Python
    • New Interpreter Settings Screen - One of the few things in Python that confuse developers are virtualenvs. We’ve been working on making interpreter configuration easier, and you can see the first results in PyCharm 2017.3.
    • SSH Config - If you use jump hosts, or another complex SSH setup, you’ll be happy to learn that PyCharm 2017.3 will use the settings from your regular SSH config file.
    • Run Python Modules - Several Python frameworks should be run using a module, you can now use PyCharm to run this code exactly like you would from the command line.
    • Code Highlighting: Function Calls & Type Hints - An often requested feature is the ability to give function calls a different color; this is now available in PyCharm 2017.3. In addition, you can also change the color of type hints in your code.
    • Set Next Statement - Have you ever debugged code that takes a while to start up, and stepped just a couple lines too far? In PyCharm 2017.3 you can tell the Python interpreter where to go next, whether forwards or backwards. Just right-click on the code and choose ‘Jump to Cursor’
  • VCS
    • Performance Improvements - For those of you who work on large projects, you may have noticed that sometimes when you switch branches, it takes a little bit of time for the project to refresh. New optimizations to make this a lot faster.
    • Workspace switching for branches - If you work on different tasks in different branches, you’ll appreciate PyCharm remembering the files you were working on in all your branches, and switching to them automatically.
  • DB Tools
    • Group sources - Ever worked on a large data science project with many databases? Or had several environments for your web application? You’ll appreciate the ability to group data sources.
  • Other Features
    • Show Expression Type. Are you building a complex chained statement, and losing track of the returned type at some point? Use ‘Expression Type’ (Ctrl+Shift+P) to see the type of any part of your chained statement.
    • PostgreSQL 10 support. PyCharm 2017.3 Professional Edition fully supports the new PostgreSQL 10 grammar. We’ve also added support for role management and Foreign Data Wrappers.
    • Snap Packages. PyCharm can now be installed with a single command: `snap install [pycharm-community|pycharm-professional] --classic`, and you’ll be staying up-to-date automatically.
Data Science mode.


Python IDE com suporte a Django.

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