DevExpress WinForms 17.2.4

A versão de manutenção inclui diversas correções de bugs.
Dezembro 14, 2017
Nova versão


  • All WinForms Controls
    • An error is raised when Svg Icon Builder is launched in a system with the Turkish locale applied.
    • FilteringUIContext - The QueryFilterCriteria event is never raised.
    • GroupControl - System.InvalidOperationException is thrown when a new font is set after changing a skin name.
    • IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown on copying data to Excel in certain scenarios.
    • RibbonControl - An item's tooltip covers the item when it's shown close to the screen's bottom edge.
    • Skin Editor - A custom skin based on the "The Bezier" theme is not created properly.
    • Skin Editor - An exception is thrown when exporting the Bezier skin in German localization.
    • SkinEditor - ArgumentNullException occurs on an attempt to create a new Bezier skin in the Turkish locale.
    • The Bezier skin's "Please Wait" animated icon shows the "b" logo with slight animation.
    • The opacity property is removed in a custom Bezier skin.
  • Coded UI
    • CodedUI - BarSubItems in Ribbon ApplicationMenu aren't recognized if PopupMenu takes part in a test.
  • NuGet Packages
    • DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v17.1.Reporting.dll is missing in DevExpress NuGet.
  • PDF Viewer
    • Printing - The Print Dialog is shown slowly on RDP with redirected printers.
  • Snap
    • NullReferenceException is raised after adding a DataView instance into the SnapControl document by double-clicking a corresponding item in the DataExplorer panel.
  • WinForms Demos
    • WaitForm is displayed behind a parent form if this form is focused by a user and any of Office 2016 skins are used.
  • XtraBars Suite
    • A group with UserControl is expanded slowly when AccordionControl has many groups with controls.
    • AdornerUIManager - Flyout doesn't appear for a guide when being shown for the second time.
    • ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs when RibbonControl is minimized and the editor value is changed.
    • BarItem - NullReferenceException is thrown in the BarItemLink.Enabled property getter if a message box is shown in the BarEditItem.EditValueChanged event handler when a ribbon is minimized.
    • BarLinkContainerItem placed in a popup menu does not recalculate information about its links if they were already shown.
    • BarManager - A tooltip overlaps BarItem if there is no enough space to display this tooltip under its item.
    • BarSubItem doesn't display the dropdown arrow when it resides in TabFormControl.
    • Customizing TileItem's elements clears content at design time.
    • Docking guides are not displayed under high DPI settings.
    • DocumentManager's view does not raise the QueryControl event if a user control placed into NavigationPage is used as ContainerControl.
    • DX Template gallery - A redundant XtraScrollableControl is added to the first tab of the form when the TabForm template is used.
    • GalleryControl - An image assigned to the GalleryItem.HoverImage property is shown on moving the mouse in a form designer even if an application is run.
    • Nested popups close on an attempt to select a color from ColorPickEdit "More Colors".
    • NullReferenceException occurs when the ESC key is pressed while the popup menu is scrolled.
    • PersistenceBehavior - NullReferenceException is thrown when attached the behavior to DockManager on UserControl.
    • RibbonControl - Merged items cannot be recognized by MS Inspector and TestComplete after updating from v16.1 to v17.1.
    • RibbonControl - The selected BarItem has an incorrect color after changing Color Swatch in the Bezier theme.
    • RibbonForm - ArgumentNullException occurs when an MDI child RibbonForm is minimized.
    • SuperToolTip is shown above BarButtonItem if there is no enough space for displaying it and two monitors are used.
    • SuperToolTip is shown above SimpleButton if there is no enough space for being displayed.
    • TabbedView - An exception is thrown in the RestoreDelayedSelection method on restoring a layout.
    • TabbedView - The TabbedView.Controller.AddDocument/RemoveDocument method does not work.
    • TabFormControl doesn't update buttons' visibility immediately.
    • The ButtonLinkAccesible object is created when a link is removed.
    • The ColorScheme property affects the FilterPanel color.
    • The control's MinimumSize property is not taken into account on resizing DocumentGroup.
    • The ToolTipItem.ImageToTextDistance property is not in effect.
    • TileControl - Image animation is interrupted when the mouse enters or leaves a tile and the hover effect is enabled.
    • UI freezes when an empty expanded group is selected using a keyboard in AccordionControl.
    • Win32Subclasser - The CallbackOnCollectedDelegate exception occurred on DockManager's layout restoring.
  • XtraCharts Suite
    • An unhandled exception occurs when changing the SeriesView type after enabling the Stacked Total Label element.
    • ChartControl does not display data when the FilterString property is assigned in certain cases.
    • ChartControl does not display the crosshair in the Gantt view unexpectedly in certain cases.
    • ColorObjectColorizer and KeyColorColorizer are not effective when the DateTime argument data type is used.
    • It is impossible to change the series point color when handling the ChartControl.CustomDrawSeriesPoint event.
    • It is impossible to configure the Series.FilterCriteria property using a complex field path.
    • Series View Color is applied incorrectly after layout restoration.
    • The ChartControl.SetObjectSelection method works incorrectly with aggregated Series points.
    • The ImagePopupPontainerEdit component shouldn't be shown in the list of available editors.
  • XtraDiagram
    • ArgumentNullException is raised when coping DiagramImage if the source image does not have an encoder specified.
    • DiagramControl doesn't scale the canvas on high DPI monitors.
    • DiagramControl throws ArgumentException on creating shapes from templates with bold text defined in the Template Designer.
    • StackoverflowException is raised in DiagramControl when collapsing and expanding a node in a large diagram.
    • The Anchors property is not always saved when the Item Template Designer is used.
    • The DiagramCommands.UseTool command does not raise the BeforeItemsMoving event.
  • XtraEditors Library
    • ArgumentException / InvalidOperationException when painting with multiple message loops.
    • BreadCrumbEdit - A svg image collection is not working.
    • CalendarControl - An incomplete date range is selected when selecting dates starting from EndDate.
    • Changing properties of a BaseTableDefinition object results in an exception under certain circumstances.
    • Chart Range Control Client - The area fill style outside the current range is incorrect when a dark skin is applied.
    • CheckedComboBoxEdit - Setting the DropDownRows property has no effect.
    • ComboBoxEdit prevents an application from closing when a project's Shutdown mode is set to "When last form closes".
    • Documentation - The RepositoryItemTimeSpanEdit.AllowEditMinutes property is repeated twice in the TimeSpanEdit topic.
    • GroupControl's CustomHeaderButtons do not scale properly when the London Liquid Sky skin is used.
    • Magnifier magnifies an incorrect screen area in the case of High DPI.
    • Maximized MDI child window extends beyond the bottom of the MDI parent window.
    • SaveFileDialog - "The file is set to read-only." message box is shown if you do not type a full file name.
    • SearchControl - The ButtonClick event is not raised on the Clear button click.
    • SVGImageCollection does not save images from project resources.
    • The "Select Color" dialog is incorrectly displayed behind the main form on clicking the "More Colors" button when the form's TopMost parameter is set to true.
    • The ListBoxControl's mouse scroll doesn't work if this control is placed in the Quick Access Toolbar BarButtonItem's dropdown in Windows 8.1 x64.
    • TokenEdit - Up/Down buttons incorrectly appear during expanding/collapsing when focus is changed by the mouse.
    • TokenEdit - The token disappears for some reason.
    • TreeListLookUpEdit - If the ParentFieldName and KeyFieldName properties have non-default values, service columns appear only when the dropdown is displayed for the second time.
    • WaitForm - InvalidOperationException is thrown in the FormShadow.UpdateZOrder method.
    • WinExplorerView - The selected color is not transparent when 'The Bezier' theme is used.
    • XtraForm's shadow flicks when the form is being resized if this form initially was shown in the Maximized state.
    • XtraOpenFileDialog and XtraSaveFileDialog - Do not add a file extension if it is already shown even if the AutoUpdateFilterDescription option is enabled.
  • XtraGauges Suite
    • Design Time - The Gauge Control's elements disappear after the Undo operation.
  • XtraGrid Suite
    • BandedGridView - Several cells are not merged in an Excel document after the export if the CellMerge event is handled.
    • Behavior Manager - The drag-and-drop cursor is not painted on subsequent showing a form with a target control.
    • BehaviorManager - DragAndDrop does not work with the same grid.
    • Calling BestFitColumns constantly increases column widths if the grid does not have data.
    • Changing TileViewItemOptions.ScrollMode by DoubleClick causes NullReferenceExceptions and sets Visible to false for all the columns.
    • DirectX Paint - NullReferenceException is thrown on running an app on Windows Server 2008 R2.
    • Excel Filter - Certain string IDs have incorrect names.
    • Excel filter - The "Select All" popup menu item of the filter popup form is not localized.
    • ExcelFilter - Provide the capability to type an arbitrary value in the NumericValues combo box when PopupExcelFilterNumericValuesTabFilterType is set to List.
    • ExportToXlsx - The CustomizeCell event's e.Value parameter is always null for summary cells.
    • Grid - Find Panel isn't scaled when TouchUI is enabled at the form level.
    • Grid - Group text for fixed columns is cut off in the Print Preview with AlignGroupSummaryInGroupRow enabled.
    • Grid - Preview text under next to a fixed column is painted with distortion after scrolling to the left and right.
    • Grid - The detail height is picked from the master view's DetailHeight property while it should be obtained from a detail view.
    • Grid Designer - The text in the Convert section blends with the background in Format Rules.
    • GridControl - A total footer cell location is not changed when scrolling a grid if the DirectX painting mechanism is used.
    • GridControl - Collection Summary Editor does not operate properly.
    • GridControl - LinearGradientBrush is not drawn properly when the DirectX painting mechanism is used.
    • GridControl - The Alpha Blending function does not work in version 17.2.
    • GridControl - The built-in PrintPreview does not align a view to the right border when the RightToLeft setting is enabled.
    • GridControl - TileView used as a detail view doesn't show a tab header.
    • GridControl- Format rule icons are not shown after scrolling a grid.
    • GridView - Cells are empty when the OptionsImageLoad.AsyncLoad option is enabled.
    • GridView - Changing the GridView.OptionsClipboard.PasteMode property in the ClipboardRowPasting event handler affects all the inserted rows.
    • GridView - The column caption margin is not taken into account in the grid with TouchUI after calling the ShowDialog method.
    • GridView is not updated correctly when its data and position are changed at the same time.
    • Invalid conditional formatting behavior if FieldName is empty.
    • InvalidOperationException is thrown when a grid is being drawn in a multi-threaded GUI application.
    • LayoutView - TabbedGroup is not shown correctly when the DirectX mode is used.
    • The Grid Designer unexpectedly closes once a tile item is deleted from a saved template.
    • The GridControl.DrawToBitmap() method is not supported in DirectX Hardware Acceleration mode.
    • TileView - A column is not saved in TileViewItemElement if FieldName is not set.
    • TileView - The focused item's border is shown over scroll buttons.
    • TileView - There are no direct methods to access child data rows and their count in groups.
    • TreeList's RepositoryItemMemoEdit HTML formatting doesn't work even if the AllowHTMLDraw property is enabled.
    • WinExplorerView - It is impossible to drag multiple nodes when ItemSelectionMode is set to Click.
    • WinExplorerView - List style items are re-arranged on scrolling.
    • WinExplorerView - Selection is reset if a user moves the cursor when any of the mouse buttons is pressed.
    • WinExplorerView - The bottom part of images displayed in the top row is cropped.
    • WinExplorerView - Thumbnail cache is not synchronized when an item is removed from the datasource.
    • WinExprlorerView - Group check boxes are always in the indeterminate state and allow only all item selection in a group.
    • XtraGrid - Grid designer can't display custom views in the View repository section.
  • XtraLayout Suite
    • A group is expanded and shows nothing when its child controls' data bindings are changed.
    • FormatException occurs when restoring the control's layout.
  • XtraMap
    • An unhandled exception occurs in certain situations when the image layer is reloaded at runtime.
    • BingRouteProvider returns incorrect results when more than 25 waypoints are requested.
    • MapControl does not provide a way to generate *.shx files on exporting items via the ExportToShp method.
    • MapControl is initialized slowly when the disk cache option is enabled.
    • MapControl's rendering error after undocking the laptop or switching between multiple displays.
    • The DataLoaded event is raised before WMSDataProvider actually loads an image.
    • WMSDataProvider requests images larger than the server's size limits in certain cases.
  • XtraNavBar
    • The top group's image is displayed in the Overflow Panel for all groups.
  • XtraPivotGrid Suite
    • A hierarchical Date filter in the Excel Style filter popup shows duplicated values at the Day hierarchy level.
    • A visual issue occurs in XtraPivotGrid when editing a cell and clicking the Tab key.
    • DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid.Data.IncorrectAsyncOperationCallException when clicking a control on the form.
    • Field filters are reset after loading layout information at runtime.
    • IFormatProvider assigned to any field is applied to all fields.
    • StackOverflowException is thrown when assigning a PivotGridControl DataSource.
  • XtraPrinting Library
    • Export to DOCX - Certain time zones break file generation.
  • XtraReports Suite
    • A custom control cannot be removed from a report via API if the control is added to the report by the mouse double-click on the End-User Report Designer toolbox.
    • An exception occurs on an attempt to define the prefilter property for the XRPivotGrid control.
    • Documentation - Describe the specifics of exporting header and footer sections into DOCX and RTF formats when the SingleFile export mode is used.
    • Export to RTF - The last character is hidden in the Japanese/Chinese text.
    • Export to RTF - Turkish and Russian texts have incorrect glyph spacing.
    • Export to RTF / DOCX - A page break is exported to an incorrect location.
    • Export to RTF / DOCX - Records are not located correctly when the DownThenAcross multi-column mode is used.
    • Expressions - It is not possible to calculate a summary by a detail field at the master level of the Master-Detail report.
    • Expressions Bindings - Data from a table that's not used as a report's data member cannot be obtained.
    • Labels Wizard - The Avery L7651 Mini Address label's size is rounded inside the wizard, which causes incorrect results.
    • Parameters are not displayed in the Expression property's dropdown in XRControl's smart tag.
    • Provide a way to deserialize classes derived from CalculatedField in the CalculatedFields collection.
    • Report Designer - The "Delete Unused Formatting Rules" command removes all rules used in a SubBand.
    • SubReport control - Cannot define the ReportSource property using a smart tag.
    • System.IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown on an attempt to load VCard file as binary data of the QR code.
    • Table of Contents - Bookmarks located above the table of contents are not exported correctly.
    • Template Report Wizard - The XtraReport.DataMember property value is not specified by default and a report displays no data in Print Preview.
    • The Report controls' DPI property is not correctly initialized for report controls if this report's bands were added to the report by using the AddRange method.
    • The Report designer throws NullReferenceException when trying to export a report.
    • The text of code 8010 of the DataMatrixGS1 symbology is incorrectly displayed by the XRBarCode control.
    • XRCheckBox - CheckState property value is not correctly set depending on the underlying data source value.
    • XRGauge - It is impossible to specify the count of major tickmarks.
    • XRGauge - The control is drawn incorrectly on high DPI settings.
    • XRPageInfo - The value assigned to the TextFormatString property is lost after the report's layout is loaded.
  • XtraRichEdit
    • An image located in a table is cropped if there is a page break before the image.
    • ArgumentException occurs when RichEditControl attempts to obtain resource images under specific localizations (Turkish, Spanish).
    • RepositoryItemRichTextEdit doesn't show text in grids when DirectX rendering is used.
    • RichEditControl hangs on an attempt to load a specific document.
    • RichEditControl with Ribbon crashes when the DevExpress.Images assembly is missing.
    • Some localized strings are displayed incorrectly in RichEditControl's built-in forms after changing the default font.
    • System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs after customizing the font underline color in the "Customize Bulleted List -> Font" dialog.
    • The font color bar item's name isn't shown in the inherited EditStyleForm dialog at design time.
    • The horizontal scrollbar incorrectly operates in SimpleView when the SimpleView.WordWrap property is disabled.
  • XtraScheduler Suite
    • Appointment Flyout isn't shown if the IsMdiContainer property is set to true for the parent container and a child form is opened.
    • Appointment text uses the bold font style in the "Office 2016 Black" skin.
    • CustomDrawAppointment event not raised for appointments with a width less than 5 pixels.
    • RangeControl does not display appointments if the DirectX painting mechanism is used.
    • The Appointment Flyout is not hidden when changing a date using the DateNavigator control.
  • XtraSpreadsheet
    • "Source" combobox items of the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog are not localized.
    • Controls on the Page Setup form are misaligned after translating an application into French using satellite assemblies obtained from the Localization Service.
    • Horizontal Page Breaks inserted via an API are not taken into account while printing a document if a worksheet print range is specified.
    • InvalidCastException is raised on loading a specific XLSX file in version 17.2.
    • Provide the "Alt+Down" shortcut for the "AutoFilter" popup menu.
    • RANGE formula operates incorrectly when the formula argument refers to a range specified as the Mail-Merge HEADER/FOOTER range.
    • Right-click on a selected worksheet incorrectly re-sets previously selected worksheets.
    • Sheet headings' borders are drawn incorrectly when the worksheet zoom is greater than 100%.
    • SpreadsheetControl cannot open a document in which page margins are not specified.
    • The "Fill Down" operation does not take formulas into account.
    • The "Invalid OpenXml file: Can't get reader for workbook.xml" exception is raised while loading a specific XLSX document.
    • The Document Properties captions are not localized in pre-installed cultures.
    • The nested data members are incorrectly inserted into the Mail-Merge template using the Select Data Member dialog.
    • The number format settings are reset for bound cells if the ListChangedType.Reset notification comes from the data source.
    • The worksheet visible area is recalculated incorrectly after hiding all the visible columns except several first columns.
    • XtraSpreadsheet - A document is not loaded after an update to 17.2.3.
    • XtraSpreadsheet - Conditional formatting defined for a cell is overridden by NumberFormat.
  • XtraTreeList Suite
    • ArgumentNullException occurs when the RepositoryItem.ReadOnly option is enabled in the CustomNodeCellEditForEditing event handler.
    • RowFooterSummary does not render for top level nodes if ShowRoot = False.
    • The "X" cursor is shown when a band is dragged to the Customization Form.
    • A column's height is increased when using BestFit and ColumnHeaderAutoHeight is enabled.
    • A scrolling issue when nodes' height is recalculated and PixelScrolling is enabled.
    • An exception is raised when resizing an invisible column.
    • Check boxes of all visible nodes modify their state when one of these check boxes is modified using the CustomDrawNodeCheckBox event.
    • Columns width is incorrectly restored for the first time.
    • CustomizationForm's Search Box ignores CustomizationCaption.
    • Expand buttons have a wrong image when the DefaultLookAndFeel UseWindowsXPTheme option is true and is applied before a form is initialized.
    • Issues with rendering a TreeList's scroll bar when the control is placed in a DockPanel.
    • NullReferenceException is thrown if the e.Node.GetDisplayText method is called in the CustomNodeCellEdit event handler.
    • Reassigning the DataSource property raises an exception.
    • Setting the ImageIndex property in the NodeChanged event handler makes e.Node null.
    • The "items selected" text is not localized in a drag preview.
    • The ExpandButtonCentered option does not affect the button position when the Preview row is used.
    • The FilterPanel remains visible after EnableFiltering is disabled.
    • The node's Tag property isn't serialized in designer code after it has been specified in the designer.
    • TreeList doesn't not display child nodes in Unbound mode.
  • XtraVerticalGrid Suite
    • An application hangs when search is used in PropertyGridControl.
    • VGrid hangs when a byte array is passed to the SetCellValue method .
    • A focused row gets selected appearance instead of the focused one after calling the ClearSelection method.
    • Category rows in the second band are truncated.
DevExpress WinForms

DevExpress WinForms

Todas as suítes e bibliotecas de componentes do WinForms produzidas pela DevExpress em um pacote.

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