Actipro WPF Essentials 2017.2 build 0662

Adiciona o novo menu suspenso para ColorPicker que permite alternar entre os modos de entrada de texto RGB e HSB.
Dezembro 19, 2017
Nova versão



  • Added AdvancedTabControl tab panel support for the mouse wheel to scroll tabs when using certain tab overflow behaviors.
  • Improved selection logic when docking multiple windows at the same time.
  • Improved auto-hidden tool window containers in non-hosted popups to support title bar drag-to-float functionality.
  • Improved AdvancedTabControl's panel to allow for customization of the tab layout.
  • Improved border rendering when tool window title bars were hidden.
  • Updated floating dock hosts to show an external title bar when there is a single tool window container and tool windows don't have their own title bars.
  • Updated docking window tab animation to not occur when deserializing a layout.
  • Updated dragged document windows that don't allow attaching or docking to not update dock host z-order when dragging over a new dock host.
  • Improved focus handling on layout changes.


  • Updated the color pickers such that the end user can tap and drag anywhere in a hue ring or saturation/brightness square to change color attributes, and not just on the thumb.
  • Added new drop-down to ColorPicker that allows switching between RGB and HSB text input modes.
  • Added new features for adding inline UI elements within edit boxes.
  • Updated the TimeEditBox QuickStart to show off an inline button for setting the current time.
  • Improved the DateEditBox and TimeEditBox default formats to better support parsing of entered text values that lack part delimiters.
  • Improved EditBoxPicker input handling for a more ComboBox-like experience.
  • Improved how many edit boxes handle updates to range properties like Minimum and Maximum.
  • Updated DateTimeEditBox and TimeEditBox to better handle millisecond entry.
  • Improved TimeSpanEditBox's text entry support for custom formats.
  • Updated TimeSpanPicker to only allow editing of parts that appear in the TimeSpanEditBox's format.
  • Added the DateTimeEditBox.SetValueToNowCommand property, that resets the Value to DateTime.Now when executed.


  • Updated how Breadcrumb handles its SelectedItem property being set while the control is unloaded.


  • Updated the embedded TextBox style to only allow a maximum of a single line.


  • Added a new AssetResourceKeys.WindowBorderOuterGlowNormalThicknessKey resource that can be set in Application.Resources to adjust the Metro theme window outer glow thickness.
  • Reduced edit control right-side padding to allow for a wider editing area.
  • Updated the appearance of disabled embedded buttons.



  • Fixed a bug where setting the TabbedMdiHost.TabControlStyle property wouldn't immediately update the tab highlight brushes.


  • Fixed a bug where pressing a radial slider increment or decrement button would close a containing popup when used within a toolbar.


  • Fixed a bug where an exception could happen if the Backstage was forced open on load in a remote desktop scenario.
  • Fixed a bug where a very thin RibbonWindow might incorrectly render title bar text.
  • Fixed a bug where when moving the QAT from below to above the ribbon, it might not render with the correct width in a certain scenario.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in a previous build where the RibbonWindow resize gripper could display in an incorrect location when Backstage was open.


  • Fixed a bug where read-only embedded ComboBoxes allowed the mouse wheel to cycle values, such as in PropertyGrid.
Actipro WPF Essentials

Actipro WPF Essentials

Um conjunto de controles e componentes profissionais de interface de usuário para WPF.

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