DevExpress VCL Subscription 17.2.4

A versão de manutenção inclui diversas correções de bugs.
Janeiro 26, 2018
Nova versão


ExpressBars Suite

  • Ribbon - The Customization Form's font (MS Sans Serif) doesn't match the Ribbon control's font (Tahoma).
  • Ribbon - The scaling factor is not applied to check marks of bar buttons within a subitem's dropdown menu.
  • Ribbon is incorrectly painted if an application is automatically moved to another monitor in response to turning off the monitor displaying the application in a multiple monitor setup.


  • Lookup editors with Time list fields always add a date part to displayed texts.
  • The topmost group row is not displayed if group rows are sorted by summary values.

ExpressDocking Library

  • The control reserves excessive memory for double-buffered drawing on restoring the control's layout from an INI file if the current monitor DPI exceeds 96.

ExpressEditors Library

  • Control has no parent window exception when invoking TdxColorDialog.
  • cxLabel - The width is not stored to a DFM file if the AutoSize and Properties.WordWrap properties are set to True.
  • TcxCheckGroup stores the default EditValue property value to a DFM file.
  • TcxCustomComboBox descendants - An incorrect AIndex parameter value is passed to a Properties.OnDrawItem event handler if the Properties.IncrementalFiltering property is set to True.
  • TcxCustomEdit descendants - Creating and assigning the Parent property in a TForm.OnCreate event handler are significantly slower compared with v16.2.
  • TcxShellBrowserDialog - Add a property that returns the current shell item's identifier (PIDL).
  • TdxCameraControl doesn't apply antialiasing when scaling output frames.

ExpressExport Library

  • Export to Excel - Excel-compatible cell editors export their NULL values as empty strings if True is passed as the AUseNativeFormat parameter to an export method.

ExpressLayout Control

  • A layout control's OccupiedClientWidth property returns the OccupiedClientHeight property value.
  • Add the capability to customize content offsets in tabbed group pages using the LayoutLookAndFeel.Offsets options.
  • An AV occurs when assigning a value to the LayoutLookAndFeel property in a TdxLayoutControl descendant's constructor.
  • Layouts containing a number of hidden groups are loaded very slowly.
  • Performance issues when a TdxForm scales a layout control containing a number of TdxLayoutLabeledItems whose CaptionOptions.WordWrap property is set to True.


  • Add the capability to override the global touch-friendly scrolling mode setting for individual DevExpress controls.
  • DevExpress controls on MDI Child forms do not display Touch-friendly scrollbars.
  • dxColorEdit and dxColorGallery don't apply new localized strings to color group captions located in the cpOffice color palette after localizing it.
  • SVG Images - The "Text" element's font size set in typographic points is parsed incorrectly.
  • TdxUIAdornerManager - Adorners associated with items and groups in the TdxRibbon control are visible when its ShowTabGroups property is set to False.
  • The current monitor DPI is ignored on saving the layout and properties of cxPivotGrid, TcxGrid, cxVerticalGrid, cxTreeList, TcxScheduler, TdxTileControl, TdxTileBar, TdxLayoutControl, and TcxPropertiesStore.

ExpressMap Control

  • The BingServices demo doesn't update a hint for a pushpin created using the "Change start point" context menu item.


  • Performance issues when adding a large number of items and/or groups.
  • Side Bar Views - Increasing the control's height does not scroll to show an active group's items automatically, provided that the group's TopVisibleLinkIndex property value is positive.


  • The "List index out of bounds (-1)" exception occurs on painting skinned tabs if the control's width is too small to fit them.


  • An application hangs on loading a document containing JBIG2-compressed images with Huffman coding.
  • Application hangs on loading certain documents with images compressed using the Group 3 CCITT facsimile encoding.
  • Quantization parameters for JPX image decoding are initialized incorrectly in certain cases.
  • The control identifies an incorrect name of a system font corresponding to a certain unembedded font within a document.

ExpressPivotGrid Suite

  • Dropping down a filter from a TcxGrid or Pivot Grid will focus the main app window.

ExpressPrinting System

  • LayoutControl Report Link - The preview truncates captions of elements whose CaptionOptions.Width property value is greater than 0 in certain cases.
  • Spreadsheet Report Link - Rich text formatted content located in worksheet cells is printed as plain text.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • All unbound Views - Opening a visually inherited form in the IDE causes an exception after modifying the number of grid items in the form's ancestor.
  • All Views - Glitches appear as a result of vertical scrolling in certain cases.
  • An AV occurs after calling a View's RestoreFrom~ procedure if it removes the View's layout elements, provided that the loaded layout was saved in v17.1 or an earlier version.
  • Banded Table View - Master-Detail - The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs when expanding/collapsing master rows if per-pixel scrolling is enabled.
  • Clicking a cell in a row located under an inserted but not yet posted row doesn't update the cell's value if this click cancels row insertion and the OptionsBehavior.AlwaysShowEditor property is set to True.
  • Conditional Formatting - The "Conditional Formatting Rule" dialog does not recognize lowercase non-English characters in data field names specified within a rule condition expression.
  • Conditional Formatting - The "Conditional Formatting Rule" dialog omits spaces in data field names specified within a rule condition expression.
  • cxRichEdit - Unformatted text in an in-place editor is scaled incorrectly when the system DPI exceeds 96.
  • Export - All formatted content export routines allocate excessive memory on exporting a Master-Detail view.
  • TcxCustomGridTableView descendants - Conditional formatting is not applied to a grid item whose content style is assigned.
  • The control's ScaleBy procedure does not scale the size of a custom font used to display root level tab captions.

ExpressRichEdit Control

  • Closing the popup menu of a Rich Edit control invokes its parent control's popup menu.
  • Export to HTML - The first & character delimiting parameters is omitted in hyperlinks.
  • Mail merge ignores format strings specified for integer mail merge fields.
  • Scroll and pan touch gestures do not function.

ExpressScheduler Suite

  • Modern Style - Date Navigator shows scroll buttons in each displayed month header.
  • Modern Style - Events are incorrectly snapped to time slots in the Timegrid and Gantt Views.
  • Scrolling an event that lasts more than one day out of view and back duplicates the event in the scheduling area.

ExpressSkins Library

  • The text displayed in the dialog invoked by a MessageDlg function call blends with the background if the Sharp, Darkroom, or DevExpressDarkStyle skin is applied.


  • An in-place cell editor does not apply a set of font attributes to the entire cell content.
  • Calling the ApplyBestFit procedure of a column or row can result in incorrect font scaling in all DevExpress controls used in an application, provided that the system DPI differs from 96.
  • Cell style data is incorrectly stored in the XML Spreadsheet format within the clipboard.
  • Inconsistent behavior on performing string operations on values stored in Date/Time-formatted cells.
  • The default column and row sizes are incorrectly loaded from an XLSX file if the system DPI is higher than 96.
  • The first column displays cells of other columns if it is wider than the spreadsheet's visible content area.
  • The scaling factor for text edited by using an in-place cell editor is calculated incorrectly when the system DPI exceeds 96.
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