PDFlib Personalization Server (PPS) 9.1.2

Inclui aprimoramentos no PDF/UA e Tagged PDF, além de melhorar o desempenho de processamento de SVG.
Fevereiro 13, 2018
Nova versão


  • Tagged Portable Document Format (PDF) and PDF/Universal Accessibility (PDF/UA) improvements.
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) support for automatically rotating glyphs in vertical text.
  • Identify certain kinds of unsupported input data, e.g. OpenType font variations.
  • Improved handling of damaged and non-standard JPEG flavors as well as invalid Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP). (JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group).
  • Improved performance of SVG processing.
  • Updated language bindings and build support, e.g. PHP 7.2, Ruby 2.5, Java 9.
  • PDF/VT encapsulation for imported PDF pages.
  • Accelerated text output, especially on IBM zSeries.
  • Updated several third-party libraries to latest versions to guard against potential security vulnerabilities.


  • Various minor bug fixes and improvements in all functional areas.
PDFlib Personalization Server (PPS)

PDFlib Personalization Server (PPS)

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