Actipro Docking & MDI for WPF 2017.2 build 0665

Melhora a hierarquia de UIA do contêiner de janela de encaixe para oferecer um melhor suporte ao Teste de interface do usuário codificado.
Março 9, 2018
Nova versão


  • Updated docking window container UIA hierarchy to better support Coded UI Test.
  • Updated clicks on auto-hide tabs to focus the tab prior to opening/closing the auto-hide popup.
  • Added the DockSite.AutoHidePopupClosesOnLostFocus property that can be temporarily set to false to prevent an auto-hide tool window's popup from closing while a dialog is displayed.
  • Improved the logic when dragging over linked nested dock sites such that a dock host in the same dock site will be targeted by default. If the Shift modifier key is pressed, an alternate child/parent dock site's dock host that intersects the same location can be targeted.
  • Improved interop focus handling logic.


  • Fixed a bug where a docking window may not remain active after being dragged to a linked dock site.
  • Fixed a bug where resizing a WindowControl didn't always work correctly when MinWidth or MinHeight was set.
Actipro Docking & MDI for WPF

Actipro Docking & MDI for WPF

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