DevExtreme 17.2.7

A versão de manutenção inclui diversas correções de bugs.
Março 23, 2018
Nova versão



  • An appointment is displayed incorrectly when clocks are adjusted during this appointment.

Tree List

  • TreeList/DataGrid - The row parameter is missing in the onEditorPreparing/onEditorPrepared event handler when the event fires for the Select checkbox.

Data Grid

  • A lookup column header filter displays incorrect items in its dropdown if a custom data source is set for the header filter.
  • A default column filter (selectedFilterOperation and filterValue) is applied incorrectly in Virtual Scrolling mode.
  • An unnecessary vertical scrollbar is shown in IE11.
  • Master-Detail - Sometimes it is impossible to scroll detail content.
  • The "Cannot set property 'X' which has only a getter" error occurs if there are read-only data fields after an upgrade to v.17.2.6.
  • The "Specified method is not supported" error message occurs on calculating summary values.
  • DataGrid does not update the data parameter passed to the editCellTemplate callback when the Popup Edit Form is enabled in the scenario with cascaded editors.
  • dxDataGrid - Adaptivity - The cellTemplate content is lost on an attempt to resize the details element when the columnHidingEnabled option is enabled.

Data Visualization

  • Changing the Chart width breaks a page layout.
  • dxChart - The axis synchronization is broken when using the zoomArgument method in a certain scenario.
  • Lines of a multiline label overlap each other if their font size is set in relative units.
  • PieChart incorrectly orders items under certain conditions.

DevExtreme Core

  • Incorrect logic in the compileSetter function from the data.js code file.
  • DataGrid - Moving the mouse cursor over a grid with the attached onCellHoverChanged event handler causes the "too much recursion" error in FireFox.
  • DateBox - The displayFormat.parser callback is not called when devextreme-intl is used.
  • The menu is closed immediately after being opened if hideSubmenuOnMouseLeave is set to true.
  • The Name option is not correctly rendered in HTML if it is defined as a JS expression.
  • The page doesn't respond after the back button has been used.

Pivot Grid

  • FieldChooser does not work properly with toutch devices in Edge.

UI Widgets

  • DateBox - A random number of milliseconds is returned in "time" mode.
  • DropDownBox - The displayExpr option is not applied when it is set in the onInitialized handler.
  • Gallery is shown incorrectly when an active item is changed on a Tab.
  • List - The scrollbar is not displayed on mouse hover after the widget is enabled.
  • Map - A map is not loaded if the Google provider is used.
  • NumberBox - It is impossible to delete a number completely using backspace if a format with a float part is defined.
  • NumberBox - It is impossible to delete minus (-).
  • NumberBox - It is impossible to insert a number which ends with 0.
  • NumberBox adds 0 before the previous digit rather than after it when Intl is used.
  • NumberBox allows entering several dots when the Russian locale is enabled.
  • NumberBox with fixed point formatting ignores a decimal point until typing the first digit.
  • NumberBox with fixed point formatting processes extra zeros.
  • TabPanel - The tab template applied to the second tab is also rendered in the first tab.
  • TagBox - A custom item is not displayed in the edit area if showSelectionControls is true.
  • TagBox - The selectedItems option contains incorrect items when the hideSelectedItems option is enabled.
  • The custom dialog method TypeScipt definition does not have the showTitle parameter.
  • Toolbar item is incorrectly truncated if it has more than 6 characters in non web kit browsers.
  • TreeView - The "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'internalFields' of null" error occurs on an attempt to click any node after search.

DevExtreme Complete

JavaScript Component Suite para o desenvolvimento da Web responsiva.

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