AH CSS Formatter Standard V6.5 MR5

Agora é possível especificar a cor, o estilo e a largura para a borda de uma anotação de texto livre.
Maio 22, 2018
Nova versão


  • It is now possible to specify the color, style, and width for the border of the free text annotation.


CSS – The following issues have been corrected:

  • The processing of the :first-line pseudo-element caused poor performance.
  • -ah-keep-together-within-dimension didn't work with a table cell in a multi-column layout.
  • A page with only absolutely positioned content didn't display the running element in margins.
  • leader() couldn't use attr().

Other – The following issues have been corrected:

  • A part of the PDF was output as a blank page.
  • Formatter hanged with the combinations of specific fonts and specific characters.
  • The sans-serif fallback used the full width punctuation.
  • The recursive font search was not working in Linux.
  • SVG text appeared in GUI but not in PDF output.
AH CSS Formatter Standard

AH CSS Formatter Standard

Formate documentos/dados/formulários XML/CSS em alta velocidade.

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