DevExpress WinForms 18.2.4

Melhora os controles Grid, Spreadsheet e Scheduler.
Janeiro 2, 2019
Nova versão


All WinForms Controls

  • BarButtonItems are duplicated in a successor when Visual Inheritance is in effect
  • BehaviorManager - Setting the e.Cursor parameter doesn't work when e.Handled is set to True
  • Custom header buttons aren't highlighted in a selected DockPanel in the Bezier skin
  • DirectXPaint - Skin colors are not applied when the DirectX painting is enabled
  • Flickering occurs when the color popup window is opened in VGridControl
  • FlyoutPanel - A flayout form is not shown when it is located within a nested non-top level form
  • Magnifier - Provide a way to visually see the selected color
  • PropertyGrid can be hidden in Designers if they are opened on a lower resolution monitor
  • PropertyGridControl - The Readonly attribute does not work with a custom editor
  • Skin Colors don't work in some skins
  • Skin Editor - ArgumentNullException is thrown on deleting a custom skin
  • Svg Image - An element's color is not changed according to the current palette when the element does not have a style
  • Swatch Picker displays a wrong palette name when Office 2019 Colorful is applied
  • The Bezier palette - Different names in the palette selector and palette gallery
  • The RepositoryItemTreeListLookUpEdit.OptionsView.ShowCheckBoxes property incorrectly behaves in the 18.2.3 version
  • ToastNotificationManager throws NullReferenceException on an attempt to show a notification from another thread

Coded UI

  • It is not possible to check if DXTestControl has focus
  • Unable to catch the moment when OverlayForm is closed

Data Access Library

  • Data Source Wizard - If the JSON source is specified incorrectly, it is impossible to close the wizard or return to the previous page
  • FilterEditControl is incorrectly sized when WindowsFormsSettings.DefaultFont is set to a non-default value
  • JsonDataSource - InvalidOperationException is raised when populating the JsonSchemaNode.Nodes collection
  • Query Builder - Diagram's scroll position is reset each time a query is modified
  • Relation Editor - Auto-Size a table item based on the longest column name
  • SqlDataSource - SP schema validation fails with the [dbo] prefix specified

MVVM Framework

  • Generic service interface in ViewModel does not work

PDF Viewer

  • API - The CurrentPageChanged event is not raised in certain cases
  • Localization - The 'PDFFileFilter' string contains an incorrect file mask in several localizations
  • Usability - Document creation and modification dates should be shown in the local time


  • It is impossible to bind the SNHYPERLINK field to a parameter
  • System.InvalidCastException is thrown on accessing the SnapList.RowTemplate property of SnapList located in the document header

XtraBars Suite

  • A bar item's ContentHorizontalAlignment is not taken into account
  • A new group is expanded when AccordionControl is not visible
  • AccordionControl - Flickering occurs on expanding Fluent Design AccordionControl groups
  • AccordionControl - The control is incorrectly scrolled if its container's height is greater than the control's height
  • AccordionControl - Transitions provided by TransitionManager operate incorrectly when DirectX is enabled
  • AccordionControlElement's caption is scrolled slower than HeaderControl when AccordionControl is scrolled   
  • AlertControl - A popup appears and then resizes when AutoHeight is set to true and FormShowingEffect is set to SlideHorizontal
  • BackstageViewControl - The Close method doesn't work when the ShowApplicationButtonContentControl method is called in a form's constructor
  • BarButtonItem - Memory is not released after items are displayed in a popup menu and then deleted
  • BarCheckItem - Background is displayed if the item's check box is visible
  • BarDockingMenuItem -"Reset Window Layout" is shown when all documents are closed
  • BarMDIChildrenListItem highlights an incorrect item if dock panels are used as tabbed documents
  • BarSubitem - The state is reset to normal when a popup is shown
  • BarToggleSwitchItem - An editor is not shown in a popup menu after the upgrade to v18.2
  • CustomizationForm/CustomizationControl throws an InvalidCastException when clicking the command grid
  • Default text in SkinPaletteRibbonGalleryBarItem isn't localizable
  • DocumentManager - The AddFloatDocument method doesn't take FormStartPosition set to CenterScreen into account
  • DocumentManager - The ObjectDisposed exception is thrown when ScrollUIMode is set to Touch or Fluent
  • FluentDesignForm - BarItems' dropdown cannot be shown in the form header
  • FluentDesignForm - HamburgerMenu has an incorrect color when the EnableAcrylicAccent property is false
  • FluentDesignForm does not refresh BarEditItem when its properties are changed
  • FluentDesignForm doesn't allow docking AccordionControl to right
  • Form instance implementing the IDocumentHostWindow interface sometimes is not created on drag and drop
  • HamburgerMenu - Selection isn't painted when skinning is disabled
  • KeyTips are not shown when two items are in a column and ItemsVertAlign is ItemsVertAlign.Top
  • NullReferenceException is thrown in the GetLinkMultiColumn method
  • Opening and closing backstage view moves the main form
  • Page Categories are missing when a form with the Ribbon control is maximized in an MDI form
  • PopupControlContainer is not scaled on a high DPI
  • PopupGalleryEdit - Context buttons are not visible on the popup form
  • RadialMenu - NullReferenceRxception is thrown in the GraphicsInfoArgs.SetTextRenderingHint method
  • Ribbon.ApplicationMenu appears at an incorrect location on multi-monitor systems
  • RibbonControl - A custom BarButtonItem registered at design time is not shown in the Ribbon Designer
  • RibbonControl - BarItems disappear when switching Ribbon Pages in the Office 2019 style and the RTL mode is enabled
  • RibbonControl - ExpandCollapseButton is not displayed
  • RibbonControl - Item links of BarSubItem are not shown in Ribbon Runtime Customization Form
  • RibbonControl - Labels are not shown for RepositoryItemTrackBar with vertical orientation
  • RibbonControl - Unable to hide the "More Commands" button
  • RibbonControl is incorrectly drawn at design time when the ShowApplicationButton option is disabled
  • RibbonControlDesigner - Different visual artifacts appear in the Dark theme
  • RibbonControl's popup overlaps a child dialog when the ribbon is minimized
  • RibbonOptionsTouch: Add SVG options for Touch Mode images
  • SkinEditorV2 - It is impossible to locate WaitForm and SplashScreen skin elements
  • Tab captions are mixed when RibbonControl's width is decreased in the Office 2019 style
  • TabbedView document header's underline is not scaled on High DPI screens
  • TaskBar flickers when BackStageView is hidden
  • The "Page Number" bar item height is too small if the OfficeUniversal Ribbon style is applied
  • The "Parameter must be positive" exception is thrown on 200% DPI if the skin image is set at runtime
  • The Arithmetic Overflow exception is thrown in the RibbonStatusBar.WndProc method if a project configuration is x64
  • The ColorScheme property affects the FilterPanel color
  • The MDI main form has an incorrect color when a current skin is changed and DefaultBarAndDockingController is used
  • The Tag property is reset when its item is disposed of
  • The ActivePanelChanged event is not raised when a dock panel is docked
  • Tooltips do not take into account a control's RightToLeft settings
  • When an MDI child RibbonForm is minimized, its caption's buttons are barely noticeable in the Office 2016 Colorful skin
  • WidgetView - A child document is not maximized
  • WidgetView - How to save/restore the position of a floating panel placed outside a form in FreeLayout mode
  • WidgetView - Setting WindowsFormsSettings.BackgroundSkinningMode to BackgroundSkinningMode.Legacy doesn't affect a widget caption text color
  • WindowsUIView - DocumentTile's text is drawn without anti-aliasing
  • XtraBars.Docking.DockPanel.DockAsTab throws an exception after updating DevExpress from v14.2 to v.18.2.3.

XtraCharts Suite

  • Aggregate functions do not skip empty points while calculating the points count
  • Axis Labels can require unnecessary space and increase the distance between panes
  • Chart - Memory leaks when a large number of points with the enabled Crosshair is used
  • ChartControl does not display the Step Area's line in certain cases
  • Crosshair - The ShowForNearestSeries option does not work correctly in the Gantt chart
  • Simple Diagram series sometimes decrease if multi-line layout is applied
  • The ArgumentOutOfRange exception is raised when the data source is changed if a chart contains an empty series or a series filled with points
  • The Chart Designer generates wrong data members for nullable nested properties
  • The diagram is scrolled when moving the mouse pointer in the diagram area if the mouse button was pressed outside this area
  • The secondary Y-Axis adjustment affects the primary X-Axis calculation behavior in certain situations
  • Usability - There is no capability to rotate Y-Axis labels in the Polar Diagram
  • WinForms localization works incorrectly with certain chart properties
  • XRChart - The data source field in the Series Label pattern is not processed at runtime
  • XtraReport / XRChart do not throw an exception if a data source has double.NaN


  • ConnectionChanging is not raised when a connector is moved and detached from items
  • DiagramItems that belong to a container are not clipped if they are located outside the container's boundaries
  • Only intermediate connection points are displayed when end points are located outside the current viewport area
  • The ConnectionChanged event is called several times for the same connection points

XtraEditors Library

  • An SVG image disappears when a large size is used
  • BreadCrumbEdit - "\\" is cut off from the path in the QueryChildNodes and PathChanged event handlers
  • ButtonEdit - An image assigned to a button is lost when a form's language is changed to Default
  • CalcEdit interprets user input using InvariantCulture instead of the current one under certain circumstances when no mask is used or a non-numeric mask is assigned to the editor
  • CalendarControl - A year is not changed when the UpdateDateTimeWhenNavigating property is set to false
  • CheckedListBoxControl - The auto height feature does not operate properly if the AllowHtmlDraw option is not enabled for a list box shown within the Excel filter's drop-down window
  • Color Editors - A text appears in the editor box with high DPI, while it is invisible with 96 DPI
  • ColorScheme affects the SimpleButton color
  • CustomHeaderButton is drawn incorrectly when the ImageToTextAlignment property is set to LeftCenter
  • DataTable cannot be moved to XtraForm from the Data Source window
  • Documentation - The BaseEdit.OldEditValue property is read-only
  • DPIAwareImageCollection - Images disappear when a form is designed at 216 DPI
  • Drop-down editors incorrectly position their popup windows when a window is set as AppBar
  • DXPopupMenu - SkinMenuManager is not used when a menu is invoked by DropDownButton
  • FilterControl - Applying the IsLike filter with an empty parameter raises an exception
  • Fluent Design Form - Buttons on ControlBox do not reset the Hover state on dragging
  • Fluent Design Form - CalendarControl placed into AccordionControl is incorrectly drawn when the DirectX acceleration is disabled
  • GridLookUpEdit does not update its display text if the text was cleared using the Backspace key
  • How to change the color of an XtraTabControl tab header in version 18.2
  • HyperTextLabel - The Copy operation key combination does not have the Ctrl+Insert synonym
  • ImageListBoxControl - Incorrect images are shown when data is changed
  • ImageSlider - Animation stops after re-sizing a form
  • ItemLinks in tittle bar are drawn incorrectly when FluentDesignForm is maximized
  • Overlay Form - Form can be shown outside the parent form's boundaries
  • PictureEdit displays an old image after a new SVG image is assigned to SvgImage in version 18.2
  • RepositoryItemSearchLookUpEdit - Search results are incorrect when a popup is opened for the first time and ViewType = TileView
  • SVG - Rounded line borders are not rendered correctly
  • ToggleSwitchEdit changes its state without animation if a user clicks its text
  • TreeListLookUpEdit - The Nodes collection is empty after hiding a parent control
  • XtraForm - A form cannot be re-sized if the Bezier skin is used on Windows Server 2008
  • XtraForm has an incorrect border color when the RTL mode is enabled
  • XtraMessageBox - Provide a static image collection to globally replace the default system MessageBoxIcon
  • XtraOpenFileDialog - Clicking a BreadCrumbEdit node does not change the current directory
  • XtraOpenFileDialog/XtraSaveFileDialog - DropDown does not display existing files when a file name is typed
  • XtraTabControl - The button settings are reset when the AppearanceDisabled.ForeColor property is set

XtraGrid Suite

  • AdvancedBandedGridView - EditFormInplace height is incorrect when the AllowPixelScrolling option is enabled
  • ArgumentException is raised when Print Preview is repeatedly shown and ImageComboBox is assigned to one of printed columns
  • ButtonEdit - EditorButtons that are ledt-aligned are hidden when the TextEditorStyle property is set to HideTextEditor
  • COMException is thrown in the DevExpress.Utils.DirectXPaint.DWriteProvider.GetFontFace method when a custom font is used
  • COMException is thrown in the DevExpress.Utils.DirectXPaint.DWriteProvider.GetFontFace method when GridControl's data source is set
  • GridControl - A column header checkbox is not updated when changing underlying data and data bound selection is used
  • GridControl - GroupPanel incorrectly synchronizes a skin in certain cases
  • GridControl - HTML text is not shown in Excel Filter popup items when the DataItem.HtmlText property is set in the FilterPopupExcelData event handler and the column's FilterMode is set to DisplayText
  • GridControl - IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when DirectX rendering is enabled
  • GridControl - RGB colors are not saved to a layout in version 18.2.3 if the current culture is not English
  • GridControl - Scroll annotations are not supported in Server Mode
  • GridView - A custom in-place editor doesn't appear in the list of in-place editors when the list is displayed for the first time
  • GridView - Data is slowly exported to an Excel document when this data is grouped by several columns
  • GridView - FormatException is thrown when an enum column is filtered using a custom filter
  • GridView - Gaps are shown on maximizing a form with all expanded master rows
  • GridView - Rows are painted incorrectly after scrolling when cells have multiple lines
  • GridView - The unhandled exception is thrown if the DateTime column has the RegEx mask and is filtered in the Excel filter
  • GridView - Сells are empty when using RepositoryItemButtonEdit with HTML and WordWrap
  • GroupFooter Appearance is not taken into account when GridView is exported to Excel
  • LayoutView - IAnyControlEdit assigned to a column is painted incorrectly when DirectX rendering is enabled
  • LayoutView's field captions aren't aligned when LayoutView is exported
  • NullReferenceException is thrown in the UpdateLevelSelector method at design time when the form is closed
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when a form with TileView is closed at design time
  • NullReferenceException occurs in PopupBaseSizeableForm.get_CurrentSizing when a column filter popup is displayed    
  • PreviewRow uses an incorrect ForeColor for a focused row when light Bezier palettes are applied
  • The first opennning of a Data Source Wizard causes a Visual Studio crash
  • The GridView.FocusedObjectChanged event isn't raised for the first data row after a data source is refreshed and an auto filter row is focused
  • Tiles aren't displayed correctly in TileView with Kanban mode applied in RTL when HorizontalContentAlignment = Near
  • TileView - NullReferenceException is thrown in the tileView1_ContextButtonCustomize event handler in GridMainDemo
  • TileView - Tiles are incorrectly displayed in RTL mode when OptionsTiles.HorizontalContentAlignment is Near and a user resizes the Data Grid
  • WinExplorerView - A focused row is not highlighted
  • WinExplorerView - An item does not become visible when it is already focused and its rowhandle is set to FocusedRowHandle
  • XtraGrid - The Next/Previous buttons in the Find Panel aren't localizable
  • XtraLayout Suite
  • The "Add Item" element from the context menu is not localized in De language
  • The row height is not reset when all its items are hidden in Table mode


  • An unhandled exception (NullReferenceException) occurs when the vector layer data source is updated frequently
  • ArgumentException is thrown when MapPath is dragged near the longitude of 180
  • Cartesian map loses dimensions when you enable CartesianMapCoordinateSystem for the second time
  • It is impossible to build VB MapMainDemo in DEBUG configuration
  • KML - Certain elements are not parsed
  • Map Editor - A different map item is modified instead of the highlighed one when map items are shown in the same location
  • Map Editor - The toolbar state is not updated after a new polyline or a polygon item is created
  • Map Editor - Unable to modify inner segments of the polygon element
  • MapControl throws NullReferenceException when drawing a MapPath
  • Small mouse pointer size on HiDPI displays
  • Support clustering of Pie items
  • The MapPath fill style is initialized incorrectly in certain situations
  • The ZoomToFitLayerItems method does not work immediately after a Cartesian map is created
  • Usability - Map Editor UI tooltips cannot be localized
  • Usability - There is no capability to determine pending requests in the Layer.DataLoaded event handler
  • WMS - The maximum image size is not extracted from the server in certain situations


  • NavBar Popup Form is not repainted on resize
  • NavBarControl - Images are incorrectly aligned with text when the AllowHtmlString option is on
  • NavBarControl - Images from SvgImageCollections are not drawn

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • Customization Form - All folders are expanded when the SearchBox is used
  • DataProcessingEngine.LegacyOptimized mode - Performance degradation of a field's CollapseAll / ExpandAll methods
  • NullReferenceException occurs in the PivotGrid control if a field with the specified GroupInterval contains null values
  • OLAP - Fields calculated using the OLAPExpression property have an incorrect icon in the Field List
  • OLAP - PivotGridControl allows adding unbound fields calculated using the UnboundExpression property
  • Pivot Grid - How to change Separator during CSV export
  • Pivot Grid - The PivotQueryExceptionEventArgs.ShowErrorPanel property has an incorrect setter
  • Pivot Grid raises a few internal exceptions if a data field bound to a String data source field is added
  • Pivot Grid raises a lot of internal exceptions if you add a data field bound to a custom class
  • PivotGrid does not display data correctly when it is bound to ChartControl
  • PivotGridControl - Column widths in HighDPI mode are scaled incorrectly
  • PivotGridFields generated at design time aren't removed along with PivotGridControl
  • The "ArgumentException: A circular control reference has been made" error occurs when the Prefilter dialog is invoked in the PivotGrid control placed on an MDI form
  • The BestFit method behavior is changed in the PivotGridControl.EndRefresh event handler

XtraPrinting Library

  • The document content is not clipped on being exported to an image in SingleFile mode
  • Export to DOCX - The XRRichText content is lost if it's split between pages (the merged RTF cells issue)
  • The “FromPage“ and “ToPage” properties are not restored when the ReportPrintTool.LoadPrinterSettings method is used
  • UI - The 'F3' and 'Shift+F3' hotkeys don't work in the Search panel of the Document Viewer

XtraReports Suite

  • ChartControl - The 'The datasource doesn't contain a data member with the "..." name.' error occurs when assigning a data source to a chart whose series contains a value member with the nullable type
  • Data Source Wizard - EFDataSource cannot be added to a report
  • Designer - Expression editor - The PrintOnPage event should not contain DataSource
  • Designer - PropertyGrid crashes after converting data bindings to expressions
  • End-User Report Designer - A report layout displays incorrect reserved space in multi-column mode
  • End-User Report Designer - Dock panels disappear when the designer is switched to the Preview tab and then to the Designer tab if the designer's ribbon is merged with the main window ribbon
  • End-User Report Designer - Expression Editor should show all tables in "Advanced Bindings" mode
  • End-User Report Designer - Provide SVG support for ColumnImageProvider
  • End-User Report Designer - ResourceManager should not be used to retrieve localized resources for the base XtraSchedulerReport class
  • End-User Report Designer - System.NullReferenceException is thrown on selecting a control in a report if the main application form uses the Office2003 style
  • End-User Report Designer - System.NullReferenceException is thrown when closing the floating Design Panel
  • Export to DOCX - An image placed to the XRRichText control is not exported if a text was displayed prior to this image
  • Export to DOCX - The "Index was out of range" exception is thrown for certain reports
  • Export To Pdf - An extra blank line at the end of text should be trimmed
  • Export to PDF - Wrapped text is truncated in the produced document
  • Expression Bindings - A control doesn't show any value if its expression is set to the DataSource.CurrentRowIndex or DataSource.RowCount variables
  • HTML5 Document Viewer - A brick added to the page on the report's AfterPrint event is not visible on the preview
  • Invoke a Filter Editor form for XtraReport at runtime to modify the report's FilterString expression
  • Print Preview - Text selection is very slow
  • Report Designer - Fit Bounds To Container command may work incorrectly for controls put into an XRTableCell with borders
  • Report Designer - Intersection of the control's bottom bound is not highlighted as an export warning
  • Report Wizard - A data member of a report data source is selected by default when DataSet is used as a report's data source
  • ReportPrintTool - Expanding a drill-down report makes it disappear from the print preview
  • SqlDataSource - Calling the Dispose method right after BeginFillList throws an unhandled exception
  • The "DXperience.Reporting" tracer does not log XRPictureBox control's image loading errors
  • The content of a specific report disappears on preview when a certain XRCrossBandLine control is visible
  • The DevExpress.XtraReports.Wizards.XtraReportModelUI class is missing in version 18.2
  • The same image is displayed for all master rows in XRPictureBox when this picture box is drawn inside the XRSubreport control
  • The Save message does not appear on an attempt to close the modified report in the End-User Report Designer
  • The size of the control created in the FillEmptySpace event handler changes when the report is previewed
  • The XRChart control doesn't show data for detail records in a master-detail report
  • The XRSubreport.CanShrink property does not work in certain report layout configurations
  • Visual Studio crashes with System.NullReferenceException when opening a report in Visual Studio Report Designer with the WebSite project type
  • Visual Studio Report Designer - The undo/redo hotkeys do not work in the script tab
  • Visual Studio Report Designer crashes on an attempt to expand a drill-down report (the ConnectionProvider issue)
  • VS Report Designer - It is possible to create a parameter whose name is equal to a property name of the XtraReport class
  • XPObjectSource - Filtering by a multi-value parameter does not work
  • XtraReport - The EvaluateBinding event arguments do not provide any information about a bound report parameter
  • XtraReport - Changing preview margins resets the page summary value (the ITypedList issue)
  • XtraReport - 'The datasource doesn't contain a data member with the "..." name' error occurs when loading a specific report with a chart
  • XtraReport hangs VS 2017 in Expression builder
  • XTraReport.CreateDocument throwns a NullReference exception in the ExpressionBindingEvaluator.SaveInitialPropertyValues method
  • XtraSchedulerReport - ReportDayView is removed from the Views collection when a report is saved to a .schrepx file


  • A document image isn't displayed if a document contains a different image with the same Id
  • Certain DOCX documents cannot be properly loaded
  • Images in RichEditControl are blurry after upgrading to 18.2
  • Memory leaks when opening the Print Preview dialog in RichEditControl
  • RichEditControl cannot load a specific RTF document
  • RichEditControl incorrectly wraps text in the Simple view if the control is located on a child MDI form whose state was set to Minimized before form showing
  • RichEditControl shows the "Section break" formatting mark for all kinds of section breaks
  • RTL - Caret and Tab navigation and selection operate incorrectly in right-to-left text
  • RTL - Complex cell borders in RTL tables are drawn incorrectly
  • RTL - Nested tables disappear if placed inside an RTL Table
  • RTL - Undo\Redo break text and Document history
  • Shapes - Connectors are not properly rendered in RichEditControl
  • TextBox - It is impossible to select the entire row by clicking the left margin
  • The bottom image part isn't displayed for the specific OpenXml document
  • The CalculateDocumentVariable event is raised for the locked DocVariable field when the UpdateLockedFields option is set to Never
  • The RichEditControl.GetBoundsFromPosition method returns incorrect bounds for a text box' document position
  • There are no raster images for ReadingDirectionRightToLeft and ReadingDirectionLeftToRight bar items

XtraScheduler Suite

  • An appointment content isn't displayed in version 18.2 if AppointmentAutoHeight is disabled and AppointmentHeight is set
  • SchedulerControl - IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown in the DayViewMoreButtonsCalculator.CalculateTargetViewStart method
  • A recurrent appointment with the delete exception raises the RequestError when a Google calendar is synchronized
  • A row has the unchanged state if an appointment is modified when SchedulerDataStorage is used
  • Cloned appointments have the same identifiers when these identifiers are bound to custom fields
  • DivideByZeroException is thrown when appointments are deleted in a current Google calendar
  • GoogleApiException is thrown when SchedulerControl adds a new appointment with a reminder
  • iCalendarParseErrorException is thrown in the CreateProperty method when the Google calendar is synchronized
  • NullReferenceException is thrown in the AppointmentEventMapper.SetExtendedField method when the Google calendar is synchronized for the second time
  • NullReferenceException is thrown on editing an existing appointment if Google synchronization is used
  • Reminders are called for past events when the DXGoogleCalendarSync component is used
  • ResourceID is not saved when SchedulerDataStorage is used and ResourceSharing is set to False
  • SchedulerControl - An appointment flyout is shown at a wrong position
  • SchedulerControl - An appointment's flyout panel has a wrong layout when the Subject property is empty and the ShowReminder option is disabled
  • SchedulerControl - Appointment text is not shown in the Print Preview
  • SchedulerControl - It is not possible to get TimeRuler's ViewInfoTextItem time
  • SchedulerControl - Navigation Buttons are missing in TimeLineView in 18.2.3
  • SchedulerControl - NullReferenceException is thrown before showing a flyout
  • SchedulerControl - NullReferenceException is thrown in the AppointmentViewInfo.get_Description() method
  • SchedulerControl - The AllowAppointmentEdit and AllowAppointmentResize events are raised multiple times when SchedulerControl is re-sized or scrolled
  • SchedulerControl - The AppointmentsChanged event is raised unpredictably
  • SchedulerControl - The EditedAppointmentCopy method returns an incorrect appointment when using a custom appointment
  • SchedulerControl - The FetchAppointments event fires twice when DateNavigator is used
  • SchedulerControl - The MonthView scrolling hangs applications when using multiple CollectionSource.Criteria and HighDPI
  • SchedulerControl - The NullReference exception is thrown in the AppointmentChangeHelper.GetSourceAppointment function
  • SchedulerDataStorage - NullReferenceException is raised when saving appointments imported from ICS to XML
  • SchedulerStorage - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is raised when there are pattern appointments and AppointmentMappingInfo.Type is specified
  • The "An item with the same key has already been added" exception is thrown when a Google calendar is synchronized


  • Spelling suggestions may be incorrect when using ISpell and Custom dictionaries together
  • The "1 is not a supported code page. Parameter Name: codepage" error occurs on loading a specific dictionary when the "en-NL" culture is used
  • The custom dictionary isn't loaded when opening the SpellChecking demo directly


  • Focus moves to an incorrect document after closing an inplace editor if SpreadsheetControl is used in an MDI child
  • Specific chart data series are incorrectly rendered in SpreadsheetControl after filling value ranges with data
  • SpreadsheetControl additionally escapes a string with quotation marks in text copied to the Clipboard in the UnicodeText format
  • SpreadsheetControl incorrectly processes certain quotation mark types
  • The "The data you're pasting isn't the same size as your selection. Do you want to paste anyway?" message is not shown in v18.1
  • The cell text is changed to "e" when calling the.OpenCellEditor(CellEditorMode.Enter) method if this cell uses a custom cell editor
  • The height of rows is calculated incorrectly in a specific XLSX file
  • The ROUND function in SpreadsheetControl returns incorrect results as compared to MS EXCEL
  • The use of RepositoryItemLookUpEdit to display custom editors causes a memory leak
  • The use of the SetInsideBorders method locks cells even if their Locked property is set to False


  • Data source fields are not displayed when configuring the data adapter data members (LabelDataMember, ValueDataMember)
  • Slow performance when rendering a big number of group levels
  • Usability - There is no capability to limit the group detail level

XtraTreeList Suite

  • A detail TreeList isn't updated when a master TreeList is filtered using a column filter popup
  • ArgumentNullException is thrown after any filter value is selected in the Text Filters tab of a column filter
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown on calling GetVisibleIndexByNode when EndCurrentEdit is used to commit changes
  • AutoFilterRow loses focus when filter text is entered
  • Column widths change each time a layout is restored using the HighDPI mode
  • DragDropBehavior does not allow dragging and dropping records between TreeLists if DataTable is used as a data source
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when scrolling TreeList with fixed columns horizontally
  • The BeforeFocusNode event is not raised when an associated SearchControl is used
  • TreeList - A topmost node is incorrect when closing FindPanel
  • TreeList - ArgumentNullException when showing the footer's summary type menu
  • TreeList - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown in the designer when the ParentFieldName property is used
  • TreeList - Column and summary captions are not localizable in the Print Designer dialog
  • TreeList - NullReferenceException is thrown on the MoveLast method call when the control does not have nodes
  • TreeList - NullReferenceException is thrown when the ExpandAll method is called
  • TreeList - The control is drawn as a gray rectangle when BeginUpdate is used
  • TreeList - The FocusedNodeChanged event is raised twice on collapsing a node if a child one is focused
  • TreeList does not take the WindowsFormsSettings.DisableAccessibility property into account


  • TreeMapControl does not implement the DevExpress.XtraPrinting.IPrintable interface after the upgrade
  • Usability - There is no capability to center the leaf label vertically

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • Documentation - The code snippet given in the "Organize Properties into Tabs in Code" section of the Office View help article is incorrect
  • PropertyGridControl - The browsable attribute for enum items doesn't work
  • PropertyGridControl - A default dialog is shown regardless of assigning a different repository item to a collection property in the CustomRecordCellEdit event handler
  • PropertyGridControl - A frame is shown around ToggleSwitch
  • PropertyGridControl - InvalidOperationException is thrown when using the ExpandableRowSettings attribute
  • PropertyGridControl - Searching and filtering does not take a property name defined with ComponentModel.DataAnnotations into account
  • PropertyGridControl - The first tab is not selected in Office View by default
  • PropertyGridControl - The ShowRootCategories property doesn't hide root categories on OfficeView tabs
  • PropertyGridControl does not destroy the previous data
  • RepositoryItemCheckEdit cannot be used in PropertyGridControl
  • The vertical scrollbar overlays a category row's expand button under certain conditions
  • VGridControl - In-place buttons aren't completely highlighted when hovering over them with the mouse
  • VGridControl - RepositoryItemButtonEdit's CustomDisplayText event gets an incorrect value
  • VGridControl - Row heights are scaled incorrectly in HighDPI mode
  • VGridControl - The control's designer sometimes stops showing actual rows after adding/removing a row in the Rows section
  • VGridControl throws NullReferenceException on clicking a cell when its OptionsBehavior.Editable is false
  • VGridControl does not take into account DataAnnotations with the ResourceType parameter
DevExpress WinForms

DevExpress WinForms

Todas as suítes e bibliotecas de componentes do WinForms produzidas pela DevExpress em um pacote.

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