HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint 16.6

Otimiza o desempenho de coleta e processamento de dados.
Janeiro 2, 2020
Nova versão


  • The product performance has been significantly enhanced with totally new 'Periodic data collection' timer job.
  • Two policies for 'Periodic data collection' have been added:
    • incrementalCrawler - defines a method which the timer job uses for the data collection: Full or Incremental. The policy is Inactive by default that means timer job collects full data each time.
    • crawlerThreadCount - sets up the number of threads for a farm's scope data collection. Value '1' is used by default.
  • Filtering by anonymous users has been added to all reports.
  • The policy for hiding positive filters for the data collection filters 'hidePositiveFilters' has been added. The policy is active by default.


  • The issue with data preparation for the 'Events popularity' report has been fixed.
  • The issue with search queries tracking has been fixed. The unclear queries will not be added in queue database and slow down the data processing.
  • The issue with exporting to Excel the reports which contain data field like 'Duration' has been fixed.
  • The 'Visitor trends' report displaying on the Overview page has been fixed.
  • The installer has been optimized. There are no more faults when some of web.config files cannot be updated.
  • Some other minor fixes.
HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint

HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint

Solução eficiente de análise da Web para portais e sites do SharePoint.

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