DevExpress VCL Subscription 19.2.4

Melhora os controles PDFViewer, RichEdit e Scheduler.
Janeiro 23, 2020
Nova versão


ExpressBars Suite

  • An AV occurs when changing a bar popup menu's UI scale factor if the menu is not associated with a bar manager component.
  • Documentation - Code examples mention the TdxBarButton.Create constructor in the "How to Add Custom Items to a Toolbar's Popup Menu" topic.
  • Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem - An AV occurs on repopulating a gallery at runtime if the second or any subsequent group contains a selected item.
  • Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem - Switching a gallery item's Enabled property resets the gallery's scroll position.
  • TdxBarDBNavigator - An AV occurs on expanding a list of displayed buttons via the VisibleButtons property.
  • The background in a submenu's drop-down window flickers if the bar manager's MenuAnimation property is set to maSlide or maUnfold.

ExpressEditors Library

  • A classic filter dropdown does not paint a hot-tracked item using the color specified in a skin applied to the control.
  • An Excel-inspired filter dropdown's Filters tab populates its combo boxes with edit values instead of images and/or descriptions for a column that uses cxImageComboBox as an in-place editor.
  • cxImageComboBox - An AV occurs on deleting an image list referenced by the Properties.Images or Properties.LargeImages property.
  • cxLookupComboBox - Lookup grid lines are not skinned.
  • Find Panel - A click on the Search Box's dropdown button does not invoke the MRU dropdown window.
  • TcxTextEdit - The editor interprets certain keystrokes as an edit value change even if the edit value remains unchanged.

ExpressEntityMapping Framework

  • The "[bcc32c Error] dxEMF.Utils.hpp(124): no matching function for call to '_op_Equality' / '_op_Inequality'" error occurs when compiling an application in C++Builder 10.3.3 Rio.

ExpressExport Library

  • Master-Detail - Large memory consumption when exporting expanded master rows.


  • Documentation - The Draw~ method descriptions in painter class topics provide no information about the AScaleFactor parameter.
  • Hamburger Menu - Item separator height is calculated incorrectly.


  • The "Out of memory" exception occurs when loading an embedded TrueType font in certain cases.

ExpressPrinting System

  • TreeList Report Link displaces scrollable content that follows bands anchored to the left edge if the tree list whose OptionsView.ColumnAutoWidth property is set to True includes one or more child nodes.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • Master-Detail - The "Stack overflow" exception occurs when populating bound datasets at runtime when they, the grid control, or its Views are not locked for updates using the DisableControls/EnableControls or BeginUpdate/EndUpdate method blocks.
  • A click on the "Link to <TDataSource>" item of a data-aware View's context menu at design time activates grid item generation routines if the control is placed on a frame nested on a form.
  • Table and Banded Table Views - An AV occurs on grouping by a column whose Options.ShowGroupValuesWithImages property is set to True if this column uses cxImageComboBox as an in-place editor and its Images property is not assigned.

ExpressRichEdit Control

  • Export to DOC - Export routines save incorrect horizontal and/or vertical scale factors for an image downscaled within a source document.

ExpressScheduler Suite

  • Gantt View - An AV occurs on dragging the selection in a linked range control.
  • User events do not display color labels if certain skins are applied.
  • Year View - The mouse wheel scrolls three periods specified via the ViewYear.Scale property at a time.


  • Documentation - The "How to Custom Paint Table Views" topic contains a code sample that cannot be compiled.
  • OnCustomDrawTableViewCell - CustomDrawDemo - Background color is not applied.
  • TdxSpreadSheetReportDesigner generates incorrect cell ranges as formula parameters.
  • The ClearAll method call clears the clipboard content.
  • When using Korean characters with English characters in a cell, Korean characters become question marks.
  • XLS and XLSX import - A control applies an incorrect font to RTF-formatted cell content, which uses the document's default font.

ExpressTile Control

  • A TFrame descendant assigned to a tile item's DetailOptions.DetailControl property is incorrectly scaled if the system DPI is higher than 96.

ExpressVerticalGrid Suite

  • Painting issues when VGrid Full Collapse.
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