SQL Monitor 10.0x

Vários recursos beta já estão pleno funcionamento, incluindo suporte inicial a Webhooks.
Fevereiro 24, 2020
Nova versão


  • Multiple beta capabilities are now fully released:
    • Initial support for Webhooks.
    • Server annotations API.
    • Alert suppression.
    • Improvements to Memory information.
    • Improvements to Wait information, including new graph.
    • Improvements to VMWare information.
    • Alert summary report.
    • Support for WinRM.
    • New learning and support menus.


  • Fixed error when trying to create an alert suppression window without specifying a name.
Setting up Webhook notifications in SQL Monitor 10.0.

Redgate Monitor

Monitoramento de desempenho em tempo real do PostgreSQL e SQL Server, com alertas e diagnósticos.

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