.NET Reflector Standard v10.2.x

Adiciona suporte parcial para C# 8.0.
Março 10, 2020
Nova versão


Updated Mar 4, 2020


  • Partial C# 8.0 support was added:
    • Option Expand Methods will now be shown for interfaces with non-abstract members.
    • Access modifiers will now be shown for non-public interface members.
    • Support for readonly struct members was added.
  • Language optimization selector was improved. Versions were separated for each language and Latest option was added.


  • RP-4204: C# 7.3's unmanaged constraint is no longer shown as struct.

Note: .NET Reflector now requires .NET Framework 4.7.2 to run.

.NET Reflector Standard

.NET Reflector Standard

Depure o código de terceiros, mesmo sem ter a fonte.

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