RayVentory v11.4 SP5

Melhora o registro em log na solução de problemas de varredura no Zero-Touch Unix Inventory.
Abril 14, 2020
Nova versão


  • Added Task Scheduler option to distinguish between scanning unknown devices only or scanning all devices.
  • Improved stability and handling of edge cases in SNMP and discovery methods.
  • Added internal information about last update time for connection entities.
  • Added support for value placeholders, which can be dynamically injected to the results of hardware evidence.
  • Improved logging when troubleshooting Zero-Touch Unix Inventory scans (RIU).
  • Added support for BEQUEATH connections for Oracle Database Feature Usage Scans for remote execution scenarios.


  • Fixed an error "unexpected path" which could be thrown during file upload via SCP.
  • Fixed a problem with ORATRACK reading only the first address from listener.ora.
  • Fixed Zero-Touch Windows scanner by better handling of special characters in WMI output results.
  • Fixed a problem with file scan during Oracle Inventory which was not properly terminated after timeout.
  • Added a few missing valid parameter options to the command-line ZeroTouch UNIX scanner (RIU).
  • Fixed several concurrency errors which might have been reported when an inventory task was trying to update items which had been deleted in the meantime.
  • Fixed problem populating devices from a vSphere/ESX scan, where in certain conditions the devices could be duplicated.


Software mais inteligente e inventário de hardware.

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