TeeChart Pro ActiveX v2020

Adiciona novas propriedades ISeries: StartZ, MiddleZ e EndZ.
Abril 22, 2020
Nova versão


  • Added new ISeries properties:
    • StartZ
    • MiddleZ
    • EndZ


  • Bug 2118 - Fixed TChart1.Series(0).asPolarGrid.Palette.UsePalette = True.
  • Bug 2180 - ILegend.NumRows and ILegend.NumCols properties have been implemented.
  • Bug 2235 - Now LightTool DrawStyle can be set via code. Property added.
  • Bug 2208 - The activity gauge series doesn't work in VB6, adding series at designtime.
TeeChart Pro ActiveX

TeeChart Pro ActiveX

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