ActiveState Platform – agosto de 2020

Adiciona a capacidade de copiar e colar o conteúdo dos arquivos cpan ou META.json para preencher sua lista de pacotes.
Agosto 27, 2020
Nova versão


  • Copy and paste the contents of cpanfile or META.json files to populate your package list.
    • When you create or update a Perl custom runtime on the Platform, you now have the option to provide the package and version requirements for the project in cpanfile or meta.json file format.
  • Update forks with the latest changes from the parent project.
    • When a language runtime you have forked (created a copy of) is updated, you now have the option to update your forked language runtime to get the latest changes.
ActiveState Platform

ActiveState Platform

Crie, resolva e certifique linguagens de código aberto automaticamente.

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