AppCode 2021.1

Adiciona suporte para projetos Swift Package Manager (SPM) autônomos.
Abril 29, 2021
Nova versão


Swift Package Manager

  • Standalone Projects - Added support for pure SPM projects. AppCode now resolves all Objective-C entities in Swift packages. Local SPM packages are now correctly processed.


  • Decreased the time it takes to open large projects once the initial indexing and caching are finished.

Kotlin/Native Plugin

  • Cross-resolve from Objective-C/Swift to Kotlin now works automatically and does not require rebuilding the project.

Swift on Microsoft Windows in CLion

  • The Swift plugin for CLion now works with the Swift toolchain on Windows.

Trusted Projects

  • Added the concept of trusted projects to AppCode to mitigate the risks associated with opening projects from unknown and untrusted sources.

Version Control

  • Profiles for Pre-commit Inspections - AppCode can inspect your code before you commit it to help you make sure there are no bugs. You can choose a code inspection profile before committing changes to VCS.
  • Git Commit Templates - You can now create a custom commit message template in Git and AppCode will display this text as an initial commit message.
  • Save to Shelf - A new Save to Shelf action allows you to copy your changes to the Shelf while keeping them in the local changes.


  • Added the ability to fine-tune the weight of your main and bold font styles using the new typography settings.
  • Maximize tabs in the split view - Whenever several tabs that split the editor vertically are open, you can double-click either of them to maximize the editor window for that specific tab. To bring the window back to its original size, simply double-click it again.
Support for pure SPM projects


Smart IDE para desenvolvimento de iOS/macOS.

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