MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF V3.6.3

Adiciona novas maneiras de aplicar zoom usando a ferramenta Lasso.
Maio 25, 2021
Nova versão


  • Lasso zoom tool - The control now supports several ways to zoom using Lasso tool:
    • Set the Behavior property to Zoom to always draw a zoom lasso.
    • Set the Zoom flag for one of the ModifierKeyActions keys to let users draw a zoom lasso with the respective modifier key pressed, along with the left mouse button.
    • Assign the Zoom value to the RightButtonActions or MiddleButtonActions property to zoom using the mouse button.
  • Layout improvements
    • Automatic layout classes now process DiagramLinks connected to TreeViewItems.
    • You can now set the LayeredLayout CompactLaterally property to create more compact layouts.
  • Miscellaneous
    • ImageAlign now supports FitLeft, FitTop, FitRight and FitBottom alignment styles, which resize an image to fit a node's boundaries and align it to the respective border.
    • The InitializeLasso event now lets you customize the appearance of a selection lasso before it shows on screen.
    • The Behavior property setter no longer clears current selection. Call the SetBehavior method with true argument instead if you need selection cleared too.
MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF

MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF

Adicione recursos avançados de diagramas aos seus aplicativos WPF.

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