Syncfusion Essential Studio for Xamarin 2021 Volume 2

Adiciona suporte de frequência de etapas no Circular Gauge e o destaque do texto sugerido no ComboBox.
Julho 1, 2021
Nova versão


  • Autocomplete
    • Handling the closing of the drop-down - The drop-down closing can be handled using the DropDownClosing event.
  • Charts
    • Zero-sized bubbles - You can now enable or disable the rendering of zero-sized bubble segments.
  • Chat
    • Space between messages - This feature allows users to specify the amount of space between messages.
  • Circular Gauge
    • Step frequency - This feature allows users to select discrete values while dragging the pointer.
  • ComboBox
    • Handling the closing of the drop-down - The drop-down closing can be handled using the DropDownClosing event.
    • Highlighting the text - The characters in suggestion items that match the typed character will now get highlighted when filtering is disabled.
  • DataGrid
    • Cell navigation - This feature allows users to navigate between cells using keyboard navigation when an external physical keyboard is attached to Android devices.
  • Microsoft Word Library
    • Locale identifier for bidirectional language text - You can now access and modify the locale identifier for bidirectional language text in a Word document.
    • Parent comment - Added the option to access the parent comment instance in a Word document.
    • Word-to-PDF conversion enhancements - Word Library now supports the following underline styles in Word-to-PDF conversion:
      • DashLong.
      • Words.
      • DashHeavy.
      • DashLongHeavy.
      • DotDashHeavy.
  • Kanban
    • Notify of property changes - You can now update the Kanban cards when the custom model properties are changed dynamically.
  • Numeric Entry
    • Avoid generating decimal digits when unfocused - This feature allows users to avoid generating decimal digits when only integer numbers are entered in the text box.
  • PDF Viewer
    • Add, select, and deselect annotations - You can now add, select and deselect annotations programmatically.
    • Cloud border style for shape annotations - You can now render, add and save rectangle and polygon annotations with the cloud border.
    • Polygon and cloud shape annotations - You can now render, add, modify, save and remove polygon and cloud annotations.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint Library
    • Multi-column support - Now preserves multi-column content when converting a presentation to PDF or image formats.
ComboBox and Circular Gauge

Syncfusion Essential Studio Xamarin

Um pacote abrangente de controles de IU do Xamarin.

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