Actipro Docking & MDI for WPF 21.1.2

Adiciona novas propriedades para determinar a faixa de tamanho de todas as guias MDI tabuladas.
Julho 14, 2021
Nova versão


  • Added the TabbedMdiHost.MinTabExtent and MaxTabExtent properties that determine the size range of all tabbed MDI tabs.
  • Improved a couple of splitter visualization features.
  • Improved tab rendering for high-DPI scenarios.
  • Updated focus handling within the StandardSwitcher to better support screen readers.
  • Updated StandardSwitcher items to use document window filenames as UIA help text.
  • Updated the DockSite.WindowsDragged event to fire after related layout changes have fully completed.
  • Changed the default value of AdvancedTabItem.CanClose to be true, which is more natural since that property combined with AdvancedTabControl.HasTabCloseButtons (already defaulted false) and CanTabsCloseOnMiddleClick (now defaults false) determines how the related features behave. These changes only affect standalone AdvancedTabControl usage.
Actipro Docking & MDI for WPF

Actipro Docking & MDI for WPF

Adicione ancoragem e várias interfaces de documentos aos seus aplicativos WPF, incluindo suporte ao MVVM/Prism.

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