Wijmo 2021 v3

Adiciona suporte completo a acessibilidade para módulos PDF e PDF FlexGrid.
Novembro 12, 2021
Nova versão


  • [wijmo.pdf]
    • Moved to PDFKit 0.12.
    • Added PdfTextBaseline enumeration, added IPdfTextSettings.baseline property, added baseline property to the IPdfTextSettings interface.
    • Added accessibility support and made the following relevant changes in the API:
      • Added displayTitle, lang and tagged properties to the PdfDocument class and IPdfDocumentOptions interface.
      • Added tag and addTag methods to the PdfDocument class.
      • Added beginTagContent, endTagContent, tagContent, beginArtifact, endArtifact and artifact methods to the PdfPageArea class.
      • Added IPdfArtifactOptions, IPdfTagContentOptions, IPdfTagOptions, IPdfTag and IPdfTagContent interfaces.
      • Added PdfTagType, PdfArtifactType and PdfPageEdge enumerations.
      • Added PdfTagOrContent type.
      • Added PDF/Accessibility sample that demonstrates the feature.
  • [wijmo.grid.pdf]
    • Added the ability to produce a Tagged PDF when exporting. To enable it you should set the documentOptions.tagged property in the export settings to true.
    • Added tagContent property to the PdfFormatItemEventArgs class.
    • Added Grid/ImportExportPrint/PDF/Accessibility sample that demonstrates the feature.
  • [Xlsx] Improved documentation for IFlexGridXlsxOptions.
  • Improved saveFile method to support saving a Blob object to a file.
  • [InputNumber] From now on, when you type figures from the keyboard, extra decimal places are truncated and not rounded.
  • [PivotGrid] Improved performance of the column dataType determination.
  • [PivotEngine] To determine each PivotField's dataType, PivotEngine can now scan all rows, instead of the first 1000 rows as before. In some rare cases this change may bring performance penalties.
  • [Control] Added the tabOrder property, which allows you to dynamically read or change the tabindex attribute value associated with the control.
Accessibility Checker verifies generated PDF documents.


Componentes JavaScript UI de alto desempenho para aplicativos Enterprise.

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