Atualização do JetBrains Academy for Organizations

Adiciona a nova faixa “JavaScript for Beginners”, com acesso a mais de 80 tarefas de codificação e mais de 100 tópicos educacionais.
Maio 6, 2022
Nova versão


  • Added a new track: JavaScript for Beginners.
    • During this track, you’ll start with very basic JavaScript concepts, then proceed to the fundamental language constructs, and finish with your own projects that can be published on GitHub. You’ll also gain essential skills in this widely used programming language, including:
      • Building JavaScript programs step by step.
      • Using data types and variables.
      • Using conditions, cycles, and arrays.
      • Creating debug functions.
      • Writing clean and highly maintainable code.
      • Coding in WebStorm, the JavaScript IDE from JetBrains.
    • This track gives you access to more than 80 coding tasks and 100 educational topics. It offers 4 real-world projects of different proficiency levels that you’ll complete step by step in an interactive learning environment:
      • Zookeeper: Easy, 5 hours - In this project, you will create a tool for helping the local zoo look after its denizens while learning the basics of JavaScript syntax and how to work with variables and data storage types, such as lists and while loops.
      • Simple Currency Converter: Medium, 7 hours - In this project, you will write a program that converts one provided currency to another, for example Japanese yen to US dollars. In addition, you will improve your programming skills with JavaScript using advanced variables, conditions, loops, and functions.
      • Coffee Machine: Challenging, 8 hours - In this project, you will work on a coffee machine simulator. This machine uses regular ingredients - coffee, milk, and plastic cups. If it runs out of something, it will show you a notification. The device will serve espresso, cappuccino, and latte, and will also charge coffee lovers for a cup. You’ll get experience with functions while challenging yourself with loops and conditions.
    • Upon completing the track, you’ll receive a personalized certificate. You can download it at any time in your JetBrains Academy profile. It can also be added to your resume or LinkedIn profile.
JetBrains Academy for Organizations

JetBrains Academy for Organizations

Aprenda a programar criando aplicativos de trabalho.

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