JetBrains Academy for Organizations – lançamento de abril de 2022

Adiciona novos projetos para Python, JavaScript e Kotlin, além de mais de 40 novos temas educacionais.
Maio 9, 2022
Nova versão


  • Java
    • Topics:
      • Spring Boot: Scopes of beans, Cascade operations.
      • Working with data: java.util.Arrays.
      • Runtime analyzer tools: Thread dump basics.
      • Behavioral patterns: State.
  • Python
    • Flask project: Regex Tester (Beta) - In this project, you will create a tool for testing regular expressions that can store the history of tests. You’ll learn how to work with Flask models, templates, and the re module.
    • Django project: ToDo API (Beta) - Develop a ToDo app to help you keep track of the task on your plate for the next day, week, or more. Your app will include CRUD functionality, meaning it can be run in your browser, and it will allow multiple users to register, log in, and create their own to-do lists.
    • NLP project: Simple Text Summarization (Beta) - There is much more information around us these days than we can possibly consume. This is where text summarization techniques can help. In this project, you will develop an app that extracts the most important sentences from a given text to help us all cope with the insane volumes of Web content you’re faced with every day.
    • Topics:
      • Django: Django ORM vs raw SQL.
      • Data science: Levenshtein distance.
  • Frontend
    • JavaScript project: Simple Chatty Bot - Here, at the beginning of your programmer’s path, creating a simple console bot will do At the beginning of your programmer’s path, creating a simple console bot will do wonders to guide you through the basics of JavaScript. By completing this project you will learn the syntax of this popular language and create a chat bot using variables, conditions, loops, and functions - all while playing word and number games that you’ll implement all on your own.
    • Topics:
      • HTML: <abbr>, <address> and <bdo> tags, HTML Quotations, Rows, cells, captions.
      • CSS: Links, BEM, What is cascading?
    • The Magic Form project has been released from Beta.
  • Kotlin
    • Android project: Photo Editor (Beta) - In this project, build a simple photo editor that lets you pick any photo from your Android device, apply basic filters, and save the result.
    • Kotlin project: File Type Analyzer (Beta) - Files come in all kinds of formats. Even if someone has tampered with the original file type, the file itself still has information about what kind of content it contains. In this project, you will write a tool that will extract this information from various files. You’ll learn about multithreading and master the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, a must-know for every developer.
    • Topics:
      • Android: Customizing RecyclerView.
      • Kotlin: Kotlinx datetime library, Local date and time.
      • Ktor: Ktor application architecture, Ktor configuration, Requests handling, Locations, Static content, Status pages.
    • The Tasklist project has been released from Beta.
  • Go
    • Topics:
      • Working with data: Working with JSON, Serializing structured JSON, Hashing strings and files.
      • Packages and modules: Working with time.
  • Scala
    • Topics: Implicit parameters, Exceptions.
  • Math
    • Topics: Introduction to groups, Numerical optimization methods, Introduction to statistical hypothesis testing.
  • Fundamentals
    • Topics:
      • Algorithms and structures: Edit distance, Pseudocode basics.
      • Databases and SQL: Read Operations.
      • Essentials: Facade pattern, Semantic versioning, Date and time standards.
      • JVM: Heap.
      • Dev tools: Introduction to Chrome DevTools, Best practices for bash scripts, SSH, GoLand, Debugging Python applications in PyCharm, Running Python applications in PyCharm.
JetBrains Academy for Organizations

JetBrains Academy for Organizations

Aprenda a programar criando aplicativos de trabalho.

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