Infragistics Ignite UI 22.2

Adiciona Data Grid for Blazor e Web Components novos e melhorados.
Novembro 4, 2022
Nova versão


Ignite UI for Blazor

  • Blazor Data Grid
    • Added new Blazor Data Grid component for displaying data in a tabular format. The Data Grid is a modern grid component packed with features such as data editing, selection, filtering, sorting, grouping, pinning, paging, templating, column moving, exporting and more.
    • The new Data Grid has significantly more features than the previous grid shipped in Ignite UI for Blazor, a richer API, and built-in theming.
    • This new Data Grid which will be replacing the existing Blazor Data Grid. This means that if you are using the previous Blazor Data Grid, you’ll need to update the old grid with this new one.
  • Blazor Tree Grid
    • Added new Tree Grid component used to visualize multi-column self-referential hierarchical data in a tabular format.
    • Built on top of the existing Data Grid component, the Tree Grid inherits all the Data Grid’s features, providing a familiar API and a seamless development experience for editing, filtering, sorting, summaries and more.
  • Blazor Accordion
    • Added new Blazor Accordion component used for building a collection of components, composed as vertically stacked panels, with clickable headers that allows expanding and collapsing of the panels.
    • The accordion is commonly used to reduce the need of scrolling across multiple sections of content on a single page.
    • It offers keyboard navigation and an API to control the underlying panels' expansion state.
  • Blazor DateTime Input
    • Added new Ignite UI for Blazor DateTime Input component which allows the user to set and edit the date and time in a chosen input element.
    • The user can edit both date and time portions using an editable masked input.
    • Additionally, you can specify a desired display and input format, as well as min and max values to utilize validation.
  • Blazor Select
    • Added new Blazor Select component which allows a single selection from a list of items, placed in a dropdown.
    • This form control offers a quick items list navigation, including selection, based on a single or multiple characters match.
    • The Select component provides the ability to define a custom header and footer, as well as group the select items.
  • Blazor Tabs
    • Added new Blazor Tabs component which organizes content into separate views (tabs) where only one view (tab) can be visible at a time.
    • Each tab has a label which is shown in the tab’s header. Changing tabs is done by clicking a tab’s header. When the number of tab headers exceeds the width of the screen, a set of horizontal scroll buttons are shown to scroll the other tab headers into view.
  • Chart Improvements
    • Automatic responsive layouts for horizontal label rotation based on browser / screen size.
    • Automatic crosshair, animations and Y-Axis labels and label formatting.
    • Enhanced rendering for rounded labels on all platforms.
    • New API for grouping, sorting and summarizing category string and numeric values, eliminating the need to pre-aggregate or calculate chart data.

Ignite UI for Web Components

  • Web Components Data Grid
    • Added new Data Grid component used for displaying data in a tabular format. The Data Grid is a modern grid component packed with features such as data editing, selection, filtering, sorting, grouping, pinning, paging, templating, column moving, exporting and more.
    • The new Data Grid has significantly more features than the previous grid shipped in Ignite UI for Web Components, a richer API, and built-in theming.
    • This new Data Grid which will be replacing the existing Web Components Data Grid. This means that if you are using the previous Web Components Data Grid, you’ll need to update the old grid with this new one.
  • Web Components Tree Grid
    • Added new Tree Grid component used to visualize multi-column self-referential hierarchical data in a tabular format.
    • Built on top of the existing Data Grid component, the Tree Grid inherits all the Data Grid’s features, providing a familiar API and a seamless development experience for editing, filtering, sorting, summaries and more.
  • Web Components Accordion
    • Added new Web Components Accordion component used for building a collection of components, composed as vertically stacked panels, with clickable headers that allow expanding and collapsing of the panels.
    • The accordion is commonly used to reduce the need of scrolling across multiple sections of content on a single page.
    • It offers keyboard navigation and an API to control the underlying panels' expansion state.
  • Web Components DateTime Input
    • Added new Ignite UI for Web Components DateTime Input component which allows the user to set and edit the date and time in a chosen input element.
    • The user can edit both date and time portions using an editable masked input.
    • Additionally, one can specify a desired display and input format, as well as min and max values to utilize validation.
  • Web Components Dialog
    • Added new Web Components Dialog component used to display alerts, messages, questions, confirmation decisions, or present forms to collect input from users.
    • The Dialog component opens a dialog window centered on top of the application content. The Dialog component opens in two different modes: modal and non-modal.
      • Modal dialogs block interaction with the content outside the dialog and behind the dialog’s overlay.
      • Non-modal dialogs allow users to interact with content outside of the dialog and behind the dialog’s overlay which will automatically close the dialog.
  • Web Components Select
    • Added new Web Components Select component which allows a single selection from a list of items, placed in a dropdown.
    • This form control offers a quick items list navigation, including selection, based on a single or multiple characters match.
    • The Select component provides the ability to define a custom header and footer, as well as group the select items.
  • Web Components Tabs
    • Added new Web Components Tabs component which organizes content into separate views (tabs) where only one view (tab) can be visible at a time.
    • Each tab has a label which is shown in the tab’s header. Changing tabs is done by clicking a tab’s header. When the number of tab headers exceeds the width of the screen, a set of horizontal scroll buttons are shown to scroll the other tab headers into view.
  • Chart Improvements
    • Automatic responsive layouts for horizontal label rotation based on browser / screen size.
    • Automatic crosshair, animations and Y-Axis labels and label formatting.
    • Enhanced rendering for rounded labels on all platforms.
    • New API for Grouping, Sorting and Summarizing Category string and numeric values, eliminating the need to pre-aggregate or calculate chart data.

App Builder

  • Web Components Code Generation
    • The family of supported frameworks has been expanded to include Web Components. Now you can both download or upload your Web Components application to GitHub.
  • Figma design tool support
    • Added new Figma Material Light UI kit maps to the Ignite UI for Angular, Blazor and Web Components UI toolset.
    • You now get a robust set of components, patterns, styling, and customization options, enabling you to import prototypes or any type of screen designed in Figma and transform it into clean code. All static designs become interactive, responsive apps with real UI components, branding, and styling - in a single click.
    • The Figma UI kit adds new controls, components and quality improvements, including:
      • Accordion.
      • Avatar.
      • Badge.
      • Banner.
      • Button.
      • Button Group.
      • Calendar.
      • Card.
      • Carousel.
      • Charts - Category and Pie Chart.
      • Checkbox.
      • Chip and Chips Area.
      • Combo.
      • Date Picker.
      • Dialog.
      • Divider.
      • Drop Down.
      • Expansion Panel.
      • Gauges - Linear and Radial Gauge.
      • Grids - Data Grid, Tree Grid, Hierarchical Grid, Pivot Grid.
      • Hyperlink.
      • Icon.
      • Input.
      • List.
      • Navigation Drawer.
      • Progress Bar.
      • Radio Group.
      • Select.
      • Slider.
      • Snackbar.
      • Splitter.
      • Stepper.
      • Switch.
      • Tabs.
      • Text Area.
      • Time Picker.
      • Toast.
      • Tree.
      • Tooltip.
  • Rating Component
    • Added new Ignite UI Rating component which allows your end-users to select a rating value from a group of visual symbols such as stars. The Rating component is often used to provide insight regarding the opinions and experiences of users for products and services they may have used or purchased.
  • Tab Layout Component
    • Added new Ignite UI Tabs component which is used to organize or switch between similar data sets.
New Data Grid

Infragistics Ignite UI

Crie rapidamente aplicativos Web de execução rápida.

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