DevExpress .NET MAUI 22.2

Adiciona suporte para diretrizes de Material Design 3, além de filtragem, classificação e agrupamento personalizados para Data Grid.
Dezembro 9, 2022
Nova versão


Microsoft .NET 7 support

  • Added full support for the latest build of .NET 7.

New Material Design 3

  • From balanced colors to shadows and shapes, and everything in between, the .NET MAUI components now follow the latest Material Design 3 guidelines.


  • The new localization mechanism allows you to deliver international mobile apps easier and faster than ever before. All strings in the UI components have been translated to English, German, and French. The language is automatically chosen based on device interface settings.
  • You can add a 'resx' file with localized resources to the project to support a different language(s).
  • You can also implement a custom localization mechanism. For example, you can load translated strings from a JSON file.

New Token Edit & Auto-Complete Token Edit

  • Added new UI components - TokenEdit and AutoCompleteTokenEdit. With these components, you can easily implement item selection in your mobile apps. Selected items appear as chips in which you can customize color, text, or an entire template.
  • As its name suggests, the new Auto-Complete Token Edit component locates records that match text entered by a user and displays the first item it locates within the data source. It also supports asynchronous item loading. The editor loads items as users enter text without locking the user interface.

Cross-Platform DevExpress.Data Library

  • With this update, the .NET MAUI components now utilize the DevExpress.Data library to filter, group, and sort data.
  • This enhancement delivers a seamless user experience (API-wise) for those familiar with the UI components for WinForms, WPF, and ASP.NET.

Data Grid - Custom Filtering, Sorting and Grouping

  • You can now define custom rules to filter, sort, and group data in the Data Grid component. New API includes:
    • CustomFilter.
    • CustomSort.
    • CustomGroup.
    • CustomGroupDisplayText.
  • The new AllowLiveDataShaping option enables on-demand data recalculation when users filter, group, and sort data. This feature is also available in the CollectionView.

Themes - Performance & Usability Improvements

  • Optimized the XAML code. You can now use implicit styles and easily customize appearance of the UI controls.
  • Improved startup speed during cold starts in the UI controls.

XAML Hot Reload Support

  • Added support for XAML Hot Reload in Microsoft Visual Studio. XAML Hot Reload allows you to continue coding XAML while debugging your application and view the result of XAML changes in your running app, without having to rebuild the project.

Installation & NuGet

  • The Unified Component Installer now includes an option to install localized resources for certain languages (DE, ES, JA). These resources will not be installed by default - you can install them at your discretion. Note: localized resources may be incomplete. Navigate to Localization Service to download community sourced localization for other languages.
Material Design 3

DevExpress .NET MAUI

Biblioteca de aplicativos multiplataforma com componentes de IU de alto desempenho para desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis para Android e iOS.

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