Stimulsoft 2023.1.1

Adiciona a nova ferramenta Data Monitor e suporte para Razor Pages e .NET 7.
Dezembro 13, 2022
Nova versão


  • Razor Pages - This release adds support for Razor Pages to the .NET Core components. Razor Pages allow you to create pages with code that handles various requests.
  • Variable Categories - You can now structure the order of parameters by categorizing them and enabling category visibility mode.
  • Updated Blazor Components
    • Improved internal structure of the components using asynchronous mode. This significantly increases loading speed and performance.
    • Improved the ability to display elements in pop-up windows.
  • Updated PHP Components
    • Added support for Composer dependency manager. Now it's easier to install the product. Run just one command, and all  scripts and resources will be loaded automatically.
    • PHP code has been completely refactored.
  • Data Monitor - You can now monitor .NET report generator SQL queries in real-time.
  • Report Culture Expressions - It is now possible to define the localization language of a report or dashboard based on the result of an expression calculation.
  • Reset All Filters - When viewing dashboards you can now reset all element filters to their default state with one click.
  • Viewer Toolbar Alignment - You can now change the horizontal position of the toolbar and define it as left, right or center.
  • GIF Support in Dashboards - Added support for animated GIF images in dashboards Animated images can be loaded from a file or added via a hyperlink.
  • Updated Designer Menu - Completely redesigned the menu used to open and save reports. Also added search capabilities, report pinning support and the ability to specify local storage.
  • Updated Style Designer - Optimized and improved tools for creating styles.
  • Microsoft .NET 7.0 support - Stimulsoft components are now compatible with platforms such as ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Core Razor, WinForms, WPF and Blazor running the .NET 7.0 Framework.
Data Monitor

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