Syncfusion Essential Studio ASP.NET Core 2022 Volume 4

Adiciona os novos componentes Rating, App Bar, Float Action Button, Mention, Message e Speed Dial.
Janeiro 3, 2023
Nova versão


  • Common
    • Added new Rating component.
    • The following controls are now marked production-ready:
      • AppBar.
      • Floating Action Button (FAB).
      • Mention.
      • Message.
      • Speed Dial.
  • Chart
    • Wrap data labels - Added support for wrapping text in data labels based on its size or when it overflows the container, in accumulation charts.
    • Dashed legends - Added support for dashed legends for dashed line series.
    • Axis title rotation - Added support for rotating the axis title from 0 to 360 degrees.
  • Word Processor
    • Multi-column layout - Users can now display the text in multiple-column layout in the Word Processor component. Using this feature, users can format documents in multiple columns like a newspaper.
  • Gantt Chart
    • Right to left (RTL) - Improved user experience and accessibility for those who work with RTL languages like Hebrew and Arabic, by allowing you to switch the text direction and layout of the Gantt Chart component from right to left.
    • Shimmer loading placeholder - Improved visualization while loading data by showing a placeholder in Gantt chart cells until the data operation is completed.
  • Grid
    • Lazy load group row expanding - The grouped items with n levels of data will now be loaded on demand with virtual scrolling when the corresponding lazy load group row is expanded. The grouped items are loaded with virtual scrolling when that mode is enabled in the grid.
    • Add current selection option to filter checkbox - This feature keeps the previously selected checkbox filters when making additional changes. It is achieved by showing “Add current selection to filter” as one of the checkbox options in the Microsoft Excel or checkbox filter.
  • HeatMap
    • Single cell selection - The HeatMap now allows you to select one cell at a time. Each cell can be selected using the keyboard, mouse, or touch interface.
  • Image Editor
    • Color adjustment support - Added color adjustment support with the following options:
      • Brightness.
      • Contrast.
      • Hue.
      • Saturation.
      • Opacity.
      • Blur.
      • Exposure.
    • Filters support - Added filter support to adjust the color of the image with the following options:
      • Default.
      • Chrome.
      • Cold.
      • Warm.
      • Grayscale.
      • Sepia.
      • Invert.
  • PDF Library
    • Now includes a feature to lock individual signatures in a PDF document. If the signature is locked, users cannot copy, edit, or extract from the PDF document.
    • Now supports adding animation to 3D annotations. This animation can be played by the PDF viewer application.
  • PDF Viewer
    • Render digital signatures - The PDF Viewer component now renders digital signatures in the existing PDF documents in a non-interactive way to avoid data loss while viewing. Its integrity is preserved if no editing operation is performed.
    • Form fields enhancement - Form field values can now be exported to FDF, XFDF, and XML formats, and the same can be imported into the PDF Viewer, programmatically.
  • Pivot Table
    • Display sub-totals at the top/bottom of the group - Now allows sub-totals to be displayed in the Pivot Table’s row and column axes at the top or bottom position in their group.
    • Single y-axis for multiple values - Added support which enables the pivot chart’s series for multiple measures to be drawn on a single y-axis rather than separate axes.
    • Export table and chart in a single PDF document - Added the ability to export both pivot table and pivot chart to a single PDF document.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint Library
    • Find and replace - The Syncfusion PowerPoint Library now supports the find functionality in PowerPoint presentations. Users can perform the following actions using this feature:
      • Find and replace text in all PowerPoint slides or a specific slide.
      • Replace text by matching case, whole words only, all occurrences, or first occurrence alone.
    • Find and highlight - Using the find functionality in the PowerPoint Library, users can now find and highlight text in all presentation slides or a specific slide.
  • Rating (Preview)
    • The ASP.NET Core Rating lets a user provide a star rating or view other people’s ratings in a numeric scale for any service or product. Key features:
      • Precision - Provide more accurate ratings with different precision options (full, half, quarter, exact).
      • Label - Express rating values with custom labels.
      • Tooltip - Guide users by displaying the current rated value in a tooltip on hover.
      • Template - Customize the rating star with any icon or template.
  • Schedule
    • Custom workdays - Now allows users to customize workdays when the resources are grouped by date.
  • Tree Grid
    • Load child records on-demand with virtualization - You can now lazy load child records with the virtualization feature enabled. Parent records in the current viewport are retrieved from remote services at initial rendering and child records are loaded on-demand when expanding parent rows.
    • Shimmer loading placeholder - Improved visualization while loading data by showing a placeholder in tree grid cells until the data operation is completed.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code Extension
    • Improved the Syncfusion ASP.NET Core Visual Studio Code extensions by providing Microsoft .NET 7.0 support to the Syncfusion ASP.NET Core project template and adding code snippet tools.
  • Visual Studio Extension
    • Improved the Syncfusion ASP.NET Core Visual Studio 2022 extensions by providing .NET 7.0 support to the Syncfusion ASP.NET Core project template for creating Syncfusion ASP.NET Core apps. The extensions also support conversion, migration, and scaffolding.
  • Microsoft Word Library
    • Word-to-Markdown conversion - The Syncfusion Word Library now supports converting an existing Word document or a new document created from scratch using the Word Library to a Markdown file. Users can also customize the image data while converting a Word document to Markdown.
    • Save chart as image - Added support for converting charts in Word documents to images.
ASP.NET Core Mention components

Syncfusion Essential Studio ASP.NET Core

Uma biblioteca abrangente de controles de interface de usuário para ASP.NET Core.

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