Atualização do Flyway Desktop

Melhora a página de controle de versão e o licenciamento em plataformas Mac.
Julho 6, 2023
Nova versão


  • The DropAndCreateInsteadOfAlter Microsoft SQL Server comparison option is no longer hard-coded and can be configured in the project settings file.
  • A new permit licensing system has been enabled for Apple Mac platforms. You will now be asked to either log in with your Red Gate account (online activation) or provide an offline license permit through the application (offline activation).
  • You can now display error message when attempting to open migration files without supported encoding.
  • Added a 'dryrun' option for the Check command on the Migrations tab.
  • Removed clutter from version control page.
  • Revamped the header with icons instead of a single dropdown.
  • Target Databases page is now a modal.
  • Licensing management UI and editions cards have been updated.


Automatize implantações de bancos de dados entre equipes e tecnologias.

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