FastReport .NET 2023.3

Adiciona uma nova tag RFID que permite a identificação de mercadorias.
Setembro 12, 2023
Nova versão


  • New RFIDLabel object
    • New RFID tag enables the identification of goods and closely resembles a barcode, but unlike the barcode, it uses radio signals which allows a large number of items to be scanned in a short period of time.
    • The tag contains 4 data banks:
      • Reserved bank for storing access and destruction passwords.
      • Electronic product code bank.
      • Tag identifier bank.
      • User data bank.
    • The RFID tag is represented as a report object and can be customized using the user-friendly editor.
    • The tag object can be exported to ZPL.
  • Support for images in WebP format
    • New plug-in adds support for images in WebP format:
      • Upload images into a PictureObject using the editor in the report designer and from code.
      • FastReport.Skia supports WebP images without a plugin, but they are converted to PNG format when uploaded.
  • Preview in the designer window and asynchronous report viewing:
    • You can now launch a report preview in the designer window when using the designer in your application. Previously, the preview always started in a separate window.
    • Asynchronous methods for report preparation and viewing have also been introduced: Report.PrepareAsync() and Report.ShowAsync().
      • They can be used when handling large reports to display the preview window while the report is being prepared to improve the user experience.
  • Improves toolbar in the context menu
    • The context menu has been improved when right-clicking on an object.
    • A toolbar now appears at the top, which contains frequently used items, such as edit, cut, copy, paste, etc.
  • Added the ability to customize barcode font settings
    • The "Font" property is now available for "Barcode" objects.
    • Set the font parameters used when displaying barcode texts.
    • The default font is Arial but you can now choose a different font, change its size, style, etc.
  • "Convert general to text format" option when exporting to Microsoft Excel 2007
    • The Excel 2007 export has a new option that allows you to convert the FastReport .NET general format to Excel text format (general is exported as general by default).
    • Reports created in previous FastReport .NET versions will be exported in the same way in the new version since this option is disabled by default.
  • Support for partial report compilation
    • FastReport.Core, FastReport.Core.Skia and FastReport.CoreWin now enable partial compilation of a report to speed up its preparation if the report script has not been changed in the report and there are no objects that do not support partial compilation.
  • New WebReport features
    • Improvements in WASM
      • Added support for exports - users can now export the resulting reports to various formats, just as is in regular WebReport.
      • Reflection.Emit compilation has accelerated the loading and preparation of reports without a script in WebAssembly.
    • Toolbar personalization
      • Create elements, such as buttons, drop-downs, and input fields, and add them to the toolbar.
      • Elements can have various options, including images, titles, and styles.
      • Implement logic using JavaScript and C#.
New RFIDLabel object.

FastReport .NET

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