Beyond Compare 5.0.2 (Build: 30045)

Released: Aug 27, 2024

Atualizações na 5.0.2 (Build: 30045)


  • Folder Compare
    • Added a "Side" option to "Alignment Override" settings to match from right to left in addition to existing left to right remapping.


  • File Views
    • Fixed updating sided display filters when using "Swap Sides".
  • Folder Compare
    • Fixed "Swap Sides" to update Sort Side and Alignment Override settings.
  • FTP
    • Fixed "timeout (110)" errors when connecting to SFTP servers that expect the client to send the welcome packet first.
    • Fixed SFTP corruption when uploading to OpenSSH for Windows.
  • Installer
    • Windows: Fixed installer putting the Start Menu icon in the top-level Start Menu folder rather than the Start Menu\Programs subfolder.
  • Misc
    • Linux: Fixed missing UTF-8/UTF-16 options in file encoding dropdowns.
    • macOS: Fixed number/decimal separator showing as ? for some regions.
    • macOS: Fixed path edit autocomplete in main comparison windows.
    • Fixed reading text lines longer than 65536 characters in various places.
  • Picture Compare
    • Fixed changing tolerance after the initial comparison is done to update the comparison results.
  • Registry Compare
    • Fixed parse error for .reg files with lines longer than 65536 characters.
  • Table Compare
    • Fixed canceling "Go To" and "Resize Column" dialogs.
    • Fixed comparing region settings.
    • Fixed MS Excel Workbook comparisons to use system's regional settings instead of forcing English ones.
    • Fixed displaying negative numbers as "-x" instead of "(x)".
    • Fixed detection of numbers to require a digit before or after the decimal separator.
    • Fixed HTML reports formatting the first sheet's name differently than the rest.
  • Text Compare
    • Fixed "Next Difference" to not skip missing lines.
  • Crashes
    • Linux: Fixed crash/hang when generating a report.
    • Fixed crash when using "Swap Sides" in Media and Version Compare when there are hidden items.