ONLYOFFICE Docs Enterprise Edition with Alfresco Connector v8.0.0
Released: Jan 30, 2024
Atualizações na v8.0.0
- All Editors
- Moved 'adding a comment to the entire document' from the bottom of the comments panel to the settings button.
- Added a button for adding a comment to the header of the comments panel similar to the button in the toolbar.
- Added interface translation into Serbian (sr-Latn-RS, Serbian (Latin, Serbia and Montenegro)) and Arabic (ar-SA, Arabic - Saudi Arabia).
- Added Indonesian language id-id (Indonesian (Indonesia)), en-id (English (Indonesia)) to the regional settings.
- Added setting to enable support for screen readers.
- Added RTL support (beta) to the editor UI.
- Document Editor
- Added partial support for bidirectional text.
- Spreadsheet Editor
- Added the new 'Goal Seek' functionality.
- Added the new Series tool for creating number sequences.
- Implemented a wizard for inserting charts: display a list of recommended charts and previews for all types of charts based on the selected data.
- Expanded cell filling settings.
- Added the Expand/Collapse menu item to the toolbar and the context menu of Pivot tables.
- Added the ability to center a sheet horizontally and vertically when printing.
- Added the ability to get a link to the selected range in the viewing mode.
- Presentation Editor
- Added the ability to set the final color for animation effects that change color.
- Made animation effect icons inactive if the effect cannot be applied to an object.
- Added partial support for bidirectional text.
- Forms
- Added support for switching from the OFORM to PDF format containing forms in accordance with the OOXML format.
- Added a dialog for converting old OFORM files to PDF.
- For the radio button field, the setting for the name of the selected element (Radio button choice) has been added.
- Added a chain of tips when working with DOCXF files.
- Back-end
- Added the 'formsdataurl' parameter to the Callback handler (to replace 'formdata'), which contains a link to the JSON file with data from filled forms when sending with the Submit button.
- Added support for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases. For connecting, the Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server database type is used (DB_TYPE in the Docker version).
- Added advanced connection settings for Oracle - 'oracleExtraOptions'.
- Added advanced connection settings for Microsoft SQL - 'msSqlExtraOptions'.
- Added the JSON watermark parameter to 'conversionapi' for inserting a watermark when rendering to PDF and images.
- Added the query param 'WOPISrc' to requests from browser to server to send requests to a single server. For 'WOPI', the parameter sent by an integrator is used, for Docs API, the document key is specified in 'WOPISrc'.
- Mobile
- Added the ability to switch to the system theme.
- Changed the interface for working with forms.
- Added a formula search and a list of recently used formulas in the mobile Spreadsheet Editor.
- Added the ability to add a custom cell format in the mobile Spreadsheet Editor.
- Added the ability to switch to the reading or editing mode when opening the mobile Document Editor based on the 'mobileForceView' parameter in the configuration file.
- Added the ability to set the document language in the mobile Document Editor.
- Customization
- Added the ability to set an avatar for the current user.
- Added the following methods: GetFreezePanesType, SetFreezePanesType, and the FreezePanes property.
- Added GetFreezePanes method and the FreezePanes property to ApiWorksheet.
- Added ApiFreezePanes class with the following methods: FreezeAt, FreezeColumns, FreezeRows, GetLocation, Unfreeze.
- Added the following methods for obtaining and filling out form data to the Builder of the Document Editor: ApiDocument.prototype.GetFormsData = function(), ApiDocument.prototype.SetFormsData = function(arrData).
- Added ApiDocument.prototype.AddDrawingToPage = function(oDrawing, nPage, x, y) method for adding any ApiDrawing to a given page.
- Added the ability to set avatars for users using the onRequestUsers integrator event with the data.c="info" parameter and the setUsers method.
- Plugins
- Added the ability to launch several visual plugins simultaneously (a separate button should be added to the left panel for each plugin).
- Moved background plugins to the Background Plugins button menu.
- Security
- Fixed vulnerability which allows adding a third-party audio file to a document when converting PPT to PPTX.
- Fixed vulnerability which leads to buffer overflow when converting ODP to PDF.
- Fixed vulnerability which leads to buffer overflow when converting PPT to PPTX.
- Fixed vulnerability which allows performing manipulations on the client machine when converting HTML to DOCX.
- Fix XSS in the Shape name field when applying an Animation.
- Fix XSS in the Math Autocorrect field when saving the field value.
- Fix XSS in the Spreadsheet Editor cell when opening the Number format list.
- Fix XSS in the Sheet name value when applying Search.
- Fix XSS in the Custom Number Format when opening a list.
- Fix XSS in the Dropdown List field when opening it.