Lançamentos do Syncfusion Essential Studio Xamarin

Released: Jul 7, 2016

Atualizações na 2016 Volume 2


  • AutoComplete
    • Customization - The autocomplete control provides options to customize a drop-down list’s appearance.
  • Calculate Control
    • The calculate control is an independent class library that allows you to provide extensive calculation support to business objects. It also supports parsing and evaluating expressions or formulas with 400+ predefined functions.
  • Calendar
    • Customization - The calendar control adds new customization features that enhance the look and feel of the control...

Released: Apr 21, 2016

Updates in this release

Updates in 2016 Volume 1


  • Image Support - The autocomplete control provides image support to append an image along with suggested text.
  • Carousel - The carousel control allows navigating through images in an interactive way so that they can be viewed or selected. Item arrangement and animation speed can be fully customized in the UI.


  • Radar and Polar Charts - The chart control supports radar and polar charts that display data points in terms of angles and values.
  • Series Animation...

Released: Jan 15, 2016

Updates in this release

Updates in 2015 Volume 4

  • Calendar Control - The calendar widget provides a multiview display that allows users to select one or more dates within specified ranges. It also provides a gesture-friendly UI for navigating, adding events, and more.
  • Chart Control
    • Tooltips - The chart control supports tooltips to display information over a chart.
    • Logarithmic Axis - Large amounts of data can be visualized in a logarithmic scale.
    • Vertical Chart - The chart control supports orienting a chart vertically...

Released: Oct 12, 2015

Updates in this release

Updates in 2015 Volume 3

  • Pie and Doughnut Sector - The chart control now supports rendering all data points within any sector for pie and doughnut chart layouts.
  • Data Marker Label Rotation - Data marker labels can now be rotated by changing their angles.
  • Pyramid Series - The chart control now supports pyramid series, which are triangles divided into sections.
  • Funnel Series - The chart control now supports funnel series, which are inverted triangles divided into sections.
  • Exporting to Excel and...

Released: May 18, 2015

Updates in this release

Updates in 2015 Vol 1

  • New Range Slider Control - A touch-friendly user interface component that allows users to select a range of values within specified minimum and maximum limits.
  • New Busy Indicator Control - Provides a visual indicator to show when an application is performing a task. It has been designed with 10 built-in animations.
  • New Barcode Control - The Barcode control is capable of rendering 12 variants of barcodes in one or two dimensions.

Released: Nov 11, 2014

Updates in this release

Updates in 2014 Vol 3

  • Predictive Analytics - Execute PMML models and provide real-time results from within your .NET applications without any third party dependencies.
  • JavaScript - Diagram control connectors can be edited and diagrams can be localized for any region and exported as an image. Gantt control updates include schedule modes, segment spacing and drag-and-drop connector line editing.
  • New LightSwitch HTML Controls - Includes a rich selection of controls including the data grid, chart...