MindFusion.Diagramming for ASP.NET V6.2.1

5月 30, 2019


  • Improved performance - Diagram rendering and user interactions are now faster. The control redraws the smallest possible area after a diagram changes, and compresses refresh operations into a single batch when possible. Custom node classes that need to draw outside of their Bounds should override the getRepaintBounds method to specify the repaint area.
  • Custom type registration - The custom item types registry is now stored in the page session and is handled by the ItemTypeResolver class. It is no longer required to call the RegisterItemType method for every DiagramView and NodeListView instance, but instead call RegisterItemType method only once on the first DiagramView control. You can access the ItemTypeResolver registered for the current page through the static GetResolver method.
  • Miscellaneous
    • The Border component draws frame lines around and background behind other components in CompositeNode templates.
    • NodeListView now displays nodes' ToolTip texts when the mouse hovers over an item in the list view.
MindFusion.Diagramming for ASP.NET

MindFusion.Diagramming for ASP.NET

用图表和制表能力增强您的 Web 应用程序。


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