
#1000 - 1177 West Hastings St
Vancouver, BC V6E 2K3
免费:+1 (866) 631 4581
电话:+1 (778) 786 1100
传真:+1 (778) 786 1133
营业时间:Open: Mon-Fri, 8:00am-5:00pm PT (UTC-7.00)


ActiveState, the Open Source Languages Company, provides enterprise grade programming language distributions backed with cross-platform consistency, commercial technical support, security reviews, license reviews, and indemnification. ActiveState’s products and services directly address the challenges faced by enterprises transitioning into digital and algorithmic businesses. Founded in 1997, ActiveState is uniquely positioned to help address these challenges through its experience with...

ActiveState's communication, response times and customer support are outstanding compared to other companies. Thanks a lot for the good work.

Lorenz Pelzer, IT Team Leader, Siemens


采用 SSDF 来保护您的软件供应链
采用 SSDF 来保护您的软件供应链
August 6, 2024功能焦点
参加 ActiveState 网络研讨会,了解如何确保您的供应链受到安全软件开发框架指南的保护。
使 Python 代码库自动保持最新状态
使 Python 代码库自动保持最新状态
May 31, 2024Product Update
ActiveState Platform 的新“获取最新,保持最新”功能简化了 Python 的依赖项更新,从而提高了安全性并确保了稳定性。
ActiveState 荣获 ComponentSource 二个奖项
ActiveState 荣获 ComponentSource 二个奖项
April 29, 2024Publisher Award
ComponentSource 授予 ActiveState 2024 年度厂家 25 强奖和产品 50 强奖。
ActiveState Platform - 2023 年 9 月
ActiveState Platform - 2023 年 9 月
September 13, 2023新版本
包括对 sqlite3、Certifi、Python、Maturin、Orjson 和 Ruby 的更新。
更新了 ActiveState Platform
更新了 ActiveState Platform
September 7, 2023新版本
添加将 Python 运行时嵌入到 Docker 镜像的功能。