Fast Reports
Founded in 1998, Fast Reports is known for its state-of-the-art reporting software applications, libraries and add-ons that guarantee fast reporting for developers of business software. The company has operations spread across America and Europe with websites in 10 different languages and products localized in more than 40 languages to cater for its global audience. In 2022, Fast Reports won bronze for the "Reporting, Analysis and Visualization" nomination in Visual Studio Magazine's Reader's...
November 7, 2024Product Update
FastReport VCL v2025.1 引入了 Word 风格的交互式表格编辑器,提供更直观、用户友好的报表体验。Fast Reports 将终止对旧版 WebReports 的支持
November 4, 2024功能焦点
自 2024 年 12 月 1 日起,FastReport.Net 包中的 FastReport.Web(旧版)库将不再收到更新或支持。在 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 上运行 OLAP 应用程序
October 21, 2024Product Update
FastCube .NET 2025.1 添加对 Linux 和 macOS 的支持,支持集成到容器中以实现可扩展的 Web 应用程序和云解决方案。轻松同步报表内容
October 17, 2024Product Update
FastReport .NET 2025.1 允许您在报表之间创建动态链接,从而确保任何页面更改都反映在所有链接的文档中。庆祝与 Fast Reports 合作 15 周年
June 3, 2024Publisher Milestone
自 2009 年以来,ComponentSource 和 Fast Reports 一直合作,为全球开发人员提供高质量报表组件。产品分类
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