PhpStorm 2020.1.2

添加在 Windows 计算机和 Linux 目标环境上运行 PhpStorm 的功能。
6月 8, 2020


  • WSL 2 Support - Microsoft WSL 2 is a new version of the Windows Subsystem for Linux architecture that allows Windows to run Linux binaries. PhpStorm has supported WSL 1 since v2019.3, and now it supports WSL 2 as well. You can run PhpStorm on a Windows machine and target Linux environments without any hassle.


  • Idea freezes with AppleSystemUIFont when Event Log is opened (MultilineTreeCellRenderer takes a lot of time doing stringWidth).
  • CSS/SCSS formatter need is now aware of CSS3 grid-layout properties.
  • Some text in “IDE and Plugin Updates” popups in dark themes is gloom.
  • Wrong project name and path when opening project with shell script.
  • Scanning node_modules directory with many files freezes IDE on project open.
  • Next/Previous occurrence actions don’t work when Find Usages is open and the focus is in the editor.
  • Navigate to File now honors the Sources directories first.
  • High CPU usage on editing.
  • Incorrect inspection for trait collision for PHP > 7.3.
  • Memory leak / code analysis never finishes for a certain project.
  • Fail to parse validation script output on reload php info for vagrant remote interpreter.
Run PhpStorm on a Windows machine and target Linux environments


带有重构、代码完成、动态代码分析和编码效率取向的 PHP IDE。


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