Aspose.Cells for .NET V23.1

改进了 XLSX 到 JSON 的转换,并添加新的 Excel 365 公式。
1月 13, 2023


  • You can now 'interrupt' when calculating formulas.
  • Change the default style of a row/column without changing the style of existing cells.
  • Support for new functions: HSTACK and VSTACK.
  • Added support for reading the author and date/time of revisions.
  • Added support for CHOOSECOLS and CHOOSEROWS Microsoft Excel 365 formulas.
  • Enhanced 'SaveOptions.HasHeaderRow' when converting XLSX to JSON.
Aspose.Cells for .NET

Aspose.Cells for .NET

无需 Microsoft Excel 即可创建和管理 Excel 电子表格。


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