Actipro WinForms Studio 23.1.2

包括对 SyntaxEditor 和 .NET 语言加载项的改进。
9月 12, 2023


  • SyntaxEditor
    • Improved display speed of large completion lists.
    • Updated OverlayPaneCollection.AddSearch to close any existing overlay panes before adding the SearchOverlayPane.
  • .NET Languages Add-on
    • Updated the C# grammar with improved error handling within block statements.
    • Updated the VB grammar to support a first optional argument in an argument list.
    • Updated the binary assembly reflection logic to handle a possible exception when examining obfuscated assemblies.
Actipro WinForms Studio

Actipro WinForms Studio

将突出显示语法的代码编辑器、先进的菜单工具栏、停靠窗口和 MDI 功能添加到您的应用程序。


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