Actipro WPF Essentials 24.1.1

Released: Feb 26, 2024

24.1.1 中的更新


  • All
    • Updated and added UIA peers for numerous controls to better support accessibility updates in .NET 8.
    • API documentation is now based on assemblies that target Microsoft .NET 6 (previously .NET Framework).
    • The Sample Browser application included with the installer will now multi-target .NET Framework 4.6.2 and .NET 6.
    • Removed official support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 although users should still be able to continue using the IDE for their own applications. Sample Browser requires Visual Studio 2019 or newer.
    • Removed XBAP support.
  • Bars
    • Added the MiniToolBar control that can be displayed alongside a context menu, and a new sample to demonstrate the control.
    • Ribbon group has been split out into two and three-row layout functionality into a separate new RibbonMultiRowControlGroup control to allow multi-row layouts next to other controls in the same ribbon group.
    • Removed the RibbonGroup.CanUseMultiRowLayout and ThreeRowItemSortOrder properties, and the same for the MVVM library's RibbonGroupViewModel class.
    • Refactored how the BarPopupButton, BarSplitButton, BarMenuItem, and BarSplitMenuItem controls use the can-execute results of their commands to determine enabled states.
    • Updated the RecentDocumentControl template to support customizing some ScrollViewer properties.
    • Updated BarPopupButtonBase.GetContainerForItemOverride logic to generate a BarMenuItem container control instead of MenuItem as a final fallback option.
  • Docking
    • Added UIA peers for dock guides.
  • Editors
    • Updated DateEditBox, DateTimeEditBox, and TimeEditBox when editing to only update DateTime components for which parts are displayed. For example, a TimeEditBox only showing hour and minute parts will retain the existing DateTime's seconds component.
  • Ribbon
    • The Ribbon product has been deprecated in favor of the newer Bars product.
  • Shared
    • Added new Avatar and AvatarGroup controls.
    • Added new Badge and NumericBadge controls for adorning an element with contextual information.
    • Added the CircularProgressBar control, which renders a progress percentage in a ring shape using fluent animations, and also supports an indeterminate state.
    • Added UserPromptBuilder to simplify creating and showing prompts based on UserPromptControl. All Sample Browser samples have been updated to use UserPromptBuilder.
    • Added advanced customization to ThemedMessageBox by allowing the associated UserPromptBuilder to be configured before showing a message box. This includes global customization automatically applied to all message boxes.
    • Added support for user prompts to show CenterOwner or CenterScreen when using UserPromptBuilder. By default prompts will attempt to center over their owner and only show center screen when the prompt is too big for the owner.
    • Updated BorderChildClipConverter to scale corner radii if given values exceed the available width or height.
    • Updated StringFormatConverter to allow the string format to be alternately passed as the first value instead of the converter parameter since converter parameters do not support bindings themselves.
    • Deprecated UserPromptWindow.DefaultTitle. Use UserPromptBuilder.FallbackTitle instead.
    • Deprecated ThemedMessageBox.Show overload that accepted a Help action. Use overload with UserPromptBuilder to add the help action instead.


  • Shared
    • Fixed printer rendering when syntax highlighting was enabled and the editor was configured for use with a dark theme.