dotUltimate 2023.3.3

Released: Jan 22, 2024

2023.3.3 中的更新



  • Rename works correctly for references between files in ReSharper 2023.3.
  • Using the search bar in ReSharper's Options no longer causes Visual Studio to freeze on Windows Server 2016.
  • Abbreviations are no longer falsely flagged as spelling mistakes.
  • String length checks for Entity Framework entities no longer generate incorrect hints when MaxLength is set by static and constant values.
  • Primary constructor attribute inheritance no longer triggers false positive warnings.
  • ReSharper's suggestion to dispose of the IEnumerator GetEnumerator() call result was retained, while the corresponding quick-fixes were adjusted.


  • MAUI projects can once again be deployed to physical iOS devices.
  • The Export to file action works correctly for type dependency diagrams.
  • Text in the Editor window no longer freezes when being scrolled.
  • Xamarin.Android Designer now works as intended.
  • Rename works correctly for references between files in Rider 2023.3.
  • Abbreviations are no longer falsely flagged as spelling mistakes.
  • String length checks for Entity Framework entities no longer generate incorrect hints when MaxLength is set by static and constant values.
  • Primary constructor attribute inheritance no longer triggers false positive warnings.
  • The IDE's suggestion to dispose of the IEnumerator GetEnumerator() call result was retained, while the corresponding quick-fixes were adjusted.
  • Error executing shell command pm list packages no longer occurs when attempting to debug on a physical Android 13 device.
  • The IDE no longer sends erroneous update notifications for disabled plugins.
  • Marking GitHub pull request files as "reviewed" works as expected.
  • The search functionality in the Emoji and Symbols popup dialog works on Linux.
  • The IDE correctly displays the chosen file in the Commit dialog when executing the Commit File action for one of the modified files.