

Softgroup .Net Controls Suite

User Interface controls for .NET applications.


版本:7.0 更新: Jul 7, 2016

Softgroup .Net Controls Suite 7.0 released

Released: Jul 7, 2016

7.0 中的更新


  • Softgroup .Net Advanced Panel - An extended Panel control that implements unsupported behaviours and features of the standard control.
  • Softgroup .Net Animation - Play AVI videos
  • Softgroup .Net ListBar - An implementation of Microsoft Outlook List Bar control.
  • Softgroup .Net OutlookBar - An implementation of Microsoft Outlook Navigation Bar control.
  • Softgroup .Net ExplorerBar - An implementation of Windows Explorer Bar control.
  • Softgroup .Net Advanced Splitter - An enhanced splitter control with automatic collapse/expand of child controls.
  • Softgroup .Net Button - A button control with gradient and/or light effects.
  • Softgroup .Net LinkButton - A button control designed to mimic the look of a command link control.
  • Softgroup .Net Split Button - A control with a split area that can display on user click with an associated ContextMenuStrip.
  • Softgroup .Net Calculator - An easy to use, customizable calculator control.
  • Softgroup .Net Combo Colors - An advanced ComboBox that displays a list of System Colors or Know Colors.
  • Softgroup .Net Combo Fonts - An advanced ComboBox that displays a list of installed Fonts.
  • Softgroup .Net Combo Images - An advanced ComboBox that displays images with text.
  • Softgroup .Net ComboList - A resizable ComboBox control.
  • Softgroup .Net Combo Printers - An advanced ComboBox that displays a list of installed Printers.
  • Softgroup .Net MDI Bar - A lightweight .NET MDI bar control for the automatic tracking of MDI children.
  • Softgroup .Net NetMDIManager - An advanced component that eliminates the flicker generated during switching between maximized MDI child forms.
  • Softgroup .Net Notify Message - An implementation of a MSN Messenger-like notification window.
  • Softgroup .Net Print Preview - Provides accurate print and preview for CheckedListBox, DataGrid, DataGridView, Forms, ListBox, ListView, TreeView, RichTextBox controls and System.Drawing.Image objects.
  • Softgroup .Net ProgressBar - An advanced progress bar controls with orientation and gradients effects.
  • Softgroup .Net ProgressBlock - A highly customizable block progress bar control with orientation and gradient/glass effects.
  • Softgroup .Net ProgressLed - A graphic control that mimics a Led numeric display.
  • Softgroup .Net ProgressSlider - A enhanced trackbar control that displays a progress slider with orientation, various styles and effects.
  • Softgroup .Net Win8ProgressMarquee - A control that mimics the Windows 8/10 progress marquee indicator.
  • Softgroup .Net Win8ProgressRing - A control that mimics the Windows 8/10 progress ring indicator.
  • Softgroup .Net ProgressLoop - An advanced loading loop control that can emulate IE, FireFox and MacOSX progress styles.
  • Softgroup .Net Tab Control - An advanced and enhanced version of the standard .Net TabControl that implements unsupported behaviors and features of standard control.
  • Softgroup .Net Thumbnail - A fast, lightweight and easy to use control that gives your applications a thumbnail images browser.
  • Softgroup .Net ToolStripColorPicker - A ToolStripSplitButton that allows selecting a color from a color picker.
  • Softgroup .Net ToolStrip Customize - An easy to use component that provides runtime user customization dialogs for any ToolStrip control.
  • Softgroup .Net Wizard - A small, lightweight and easy to use control to simplify the tasks associated with building a series of forms to collect user input.