DevExpress VCL Subscription 18.1.6

Verbessert Leisten, Editoren, Raster, RichEdit-, Scheduler-, SpreadSheet- und TreeList-Steuerelemente.
Oktober 10, 2018
Neue Version


ExpressBars Suite

  • An AV occurs at design time when using the Customization Form to add, remove, or change a bar item on an ancestor form.
  • Bar items are painted with colors that do not match corresponding theme colors of an operating system and disabled bar items cannot be selected if the bar manager's LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property is True.
  • Changing a bar item's hint caption in the hint style controller's OnShowHintEx event handler has no effect if the bar item's hint is invoked immediately after another TControl descendant's hint.
  • Ribbon tab groups inherited from a parent form become invisible at runtime if the corresponding ribbon tab's Groups collection is changed.

ExpressEditors Library

  • A TcxContainer descendant scales incorrectly if its ParentFont property is False and the Anchor property has a non-default value.
  • cxDateEdit - An AV occurs on expanding a drop-down calendar in Touch mode if the time range between the system and displayed dates exceeds a month, and the Properties.View property is set to cavClassic or cavModern.
  • cxLabel - The Properties.ShowEndEllipsis property value is ignored if the Properties.Alignment.Horz property is set to taCenter.

ExpressEntityMapping Framework

  • The "The data types varchar(max) and ntext are incompatible in the equal to operator" error occurs when TdxEMFADODataProvider obtains data from an SQL Server table's varchar(max) columns.

ExpressExport Library

  • The EdxException occurs when exporting nodes containing images to an XLS or XLSX file.

ExpressGDI+ Library

  • SVG Images - The "Invalid operation in GDI+ (Code: 3)" exception occurs on displaying an image with the 'path' element whose line width is zero.


  • SVG Images - The 'style' element's attributes are incorrectly parsed in certain cases.
  • TcxPropertiesStore - Dimensions of a control anchored to the top and bottom edges of its parent are incorrectly restored after storing at a different monitor DPI value.

ExpressMap Control

  • The OnZoomLevelChanged event does not fire on calling the map control's ZoomAsync procedure enclosed between BeginUpdate and EndUpdate calls.


  • "The document format is not recognized as valid PDF" exception occurs on reading named destinations in certain cases.
  • Text is invisible if it uses a non-system font that is not embedded into the PDF document, provided that it is possible to replace this font with a similar font.
  • The "TdxLZWDecoder End of data" exception occurs on reading a document containing LZW-compressed data.

ExpressPrinting System

  • Multiline text is truncated in printouts or exported PDF documents in certain cases.
  • PDF Viewer Report Link - The "Auto" page orientation selected in the Print dialog does not update to a new page orientation selected in the printer's Document Properties dialog.
  • Scheduler Report Link - An event content's layout in the TimeGrid View is calculated incorrectly for Modern-Style UI if the View's EventDetailInfo property is True.
  • Scheduler Report Link - TimeGrid View — An event's content layout is calculated incorrectly if the event width does not fit into a single printout page.
  • Scheduler Report Link - TimeGrid View - An event's start and end time are displayed in the client area if the event duration is more than one day.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • Banded Table View - The drop-down Quick Band Customization list incorrectly repaints items arranged into multiple columns in response to clicking item check boxes.
  • Conditional Formatting - The "Expression" and "Cell Is" conditional formatting rules do not save character case changes applied to expression strings.
  • Make sorting applied by the drop-down Quick Band/Column Customization list's Sorted command case-insensitive and ANSI ordered, regardless of the View's DataController.Options property settings.
  • Master-Detail - A detail Layout View does not display separator items in certain cases.
  • Server Mode - The View does not sort records by values of a column that provides date/time grouping values.
  • Table and Banded Table Views - The "Could not convert variant of type (unicodestring) into type (integer)" exception occurs on scrolling the View when its data is being edited with an in-place cxLookupComboBox editor.
  • The Field Chooser dialog scales incorrectly.
  • The Quick Band/Column Customization drop-down list ignores the Up Arrow keystroke if the View's OptionsCustomize.BandsQuickCustomizationShowCommands or OptionsCustomize.ColumnsQuickCustomizationShowCommands property is set to False.

ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite

  • Collapsing a node with a double-click scrolls the content and clicks a node located under the mouse pointer.
  • Make sorting applied by the drop-down Quick Band/Column Customization list's Sorted command case-insensitive and ANSI ordered, regardless of the tree list's OptionsData property settings.
  • The tree list filters nodes very slowly or freezes an application in certain cases.
  • The tree list stops scrolling up the content using the mouse wheel if the bottom edge clips a selected node.

ExpressRichEdit Control

  • An HTML file's content is prefixed with an encoding preamble.
  • The control does not load a CSS style's border-style property values that are not in the lower case from an HTML file.
  • The control does not load external images whose URIs include spaces.
  • The control's OnCustomizeMergeFields event never occurs.

ExpressScheduler Suite

  • Closing a form while the scheduler activates an event's in-place editor causes an AV.
  • Provide the dedicated space for the location text within the user event layout displayed in the Day View in Modern Style mode.
  • TcxDateNavigator - An application freezes if the UnlimitedSelection property is set to True and dragging starts in an area that is free from UI elements.
  • TcxSchedulerAggregateStorage - Drag-and-drop operations duplicate events obtained from a linked TcxSchedulerWebServiceStorage object.
  • TimeGrid View - Dragging a 24 hour-long event that is not marked as free and dropping it to the beginning of a day switches the event to all-day and marks it as free.

ExpressSkins Library

  • Form - TheBezier skin - The form's caption height is incorrectly calculated if the monitor DPI is not 96.


  • ExpressRichEdit control - Misspelled words are underlined even in read-only mode.


  • A hyperlink doesn't display its referenced cell using the R1C1 reference style.
  • A spreadsheet document is loading slowly if it has the "Duplicate Values" and/or "Unique Values" conditional formatting rules applied to cell ranges populated with values of different types.
DevExpress VCL Subscription

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